A Call for Celebration

By The Black Rose · Jul 19, 2008 · ·
  1. Oh my, my.
    Oh hell yes.
    Time to put on that party dress.

    Alright. It's about time I left that boot camp YWS for something different, new, fresh.

    Absolutely beautiful.

    I really hope I can get new feedback, because members on YWS only read featured work, work by new members. The old members expected the other old members to always help the new members. Sometimes we needed help too.

    It didn't turn out like that, for me.

    I wrote a poem for my high school, won first place, posted it on YWS, and nobody read it.

    Yet they did read a poem called, "An Ode to a Pastry," because it had high ratings. It wasn't horrible, I actually liked it a lot but... nobody read Lulu.

    So I shall post Lulu now.
    Onward to WF.



  1. Siegfried
    Agreed :). *kisses* I love ya sweetie.
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