A whole lot of work for nothing...

By SliverXII · Feb 24, 2010 · ·
  1. Yesterday, I decided to go to my local library in order to escape my family for some quiet time to spend writing. I was able to work on a short story assignment from a book I am working through. I thought things were going pretty good but after nearly two hours, I began to go blank. So, I saved the file and did a couple other things. I then wondered, purely for curiosity's sake, what my word count was. As I tried to reopen the file from my thumb drive only to find that the file was some how corrupted and lost. Frustrating. Now to go and make sure that I have the autosave turned on. I may possibly be able to find it, but I'm not counting on it.


  1. nadiesbrain
    Wow! I hope you are able to find it! That is my biggest fear...technology can be a pain at times.


    Also see Nadiesbrain.wordpress.com
  2. SliverXII
    This actually was something that caused me to fold on writing. Now, I have returned to writing and I am working on enjoying the ride.
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