Alternative History

By rick_danger · Jun 18, 2013 · ·


  1. mustafamusty
  2. Sue Almond
    Maybe different POVĀ“s would work, first person, with some journalistic imput. You could try telling it from the President's personal diary alternating with a few newspaper pages, maybe the main narrator could be an aide, the presidentĀ“s wife or an unreliable narrator whose bias/jealousy/ falsehood gradually becomes apparent in contrast to the versions of what is going on from the other sources and what actually happens in the action. Perhaps you could keep it a secret exactly who that is until the end. It might be he/she will be a major player in the climax of the story... (acually I am getting ito this, I'll give you a start as it was your idea but I might have a go at this myself! Ha, ha). Just a few suggestions but If you 'know' thw story and just write it in your own style it will work, just as if you were telling any other story. Good luck with it.
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