And he decided to make a not so welcome return.

By SonnehLee · Sep 19, 2008 · ·
  1. Ethan did.

    No, I'm not joking. He texted me the other day, and we talked for a while. Finally, I got to the point and asked why he had even bothered when we haven't said more than two words to each other in months.
    "I miss you. Why don't we ever talk anymore?" Was his response. I called him an ass, and he apologized, a little too late. I didn't really care. He asked to be friends, and I (half-heartedly and slightly apathetic to the whole ordeal) told him I wouldn't make any promises. He seemed thrilled. I, on the other hand, was not.

    So, after venting to my youth pastor, best friend, best friend's mom, and a few other people, I read. And you know what happened? The MC in the book I was reading fell in love with a cowboy named Ethan. I was so angry. I had to stop reading it, though it was a marvelous book, and pick a different one off my shelf to read for the time being.

    And that, my good E-friends, is the story of Ethans return.


  1. zorell
    Slap him;) Then say, "buh-bye, and apply your hand to your forehead."
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