Becoming Dead- Why I could never finish it

By Unit7 · Jul 16, 2010 · ·
  1. I finally figured out why I could never finish the NaNoWriMo novel I did last November called Becoming Dead. Turns out I have a better perspective on why alot of people don't like it(though I still enjoy the idea of the challenge. Because I am a really lazy writer)

    While I loved the characters, the whole Zombie Apocalypse, the relationships between characters. I really hated part of the book. Mostly because I didn't have a clue about anything military and so I created a very informal, Does Not Exist military unit(Unit 7 just for kicks) From there... it just went down hill. I mean I liked the characters that comprised Unit 7... I just didn't really know what to do with them. I know that the leader(who in all honesty at 20 shouldn't be their leader. In my defense, since 13 he had been training for the posistion. Top Secret Government stuff. *shrugs* but yeah you get the idea why it was bad. lol) He was simply there to kill words.

    But after November I kept telling myself 'next week' 'tomorrow' 'once I finish this short story...' I would get back to it. But I never did. Now partly because I also was a bastard and created a rogue group of bastards and forced 2 of my female characters... well yeah.

    Anyways I realized I hated the majority of my story. I couldn't finish it because what I needed to do was restart. I am sure much of the novel will be the same, except with the Unit 7 storyline nowhere in sight.

    I will also probably do alot more with Sam and her relationship with her Mother. It never felt right that I introduced this conflict between them and then have the whole city blow up in a giant explosion. Effectively killing the mother. After that I didn't even bring it back up!

    Anyways I have a good feeling about this time around. :)


  1. TerraIncognita
    Haha I get what you're saying. I have a story I won't even touch because I effed it up so badly. I really don't care to go back to it because I'm much happier with what I have now. :)

    What exactly did you force them to do? lol This sounds bad.. :p

    Best of luck with it this time around. :)
  2. Unit7
    Exactly! I screwed it up to the point where I couldn't even continue if I wanted to.

    Uh... well lets just say it would have been months since any of the guys had any real action and there are 2 females they captured and want a little show and. Yeah. Luckily before anything actually would get to far. My main character went all Rambo and saved them but. yeah.

  3. TerraIncognita
    hahaha wow... I guess it's true what they say about men fresh out of prison then? :p

    Sure thing. Keep writing!
  4. DaWalrus
    The examples of commanders that young are not unheard of.
    Joan of Arc, for one. Okay, 19 didn't mean 'go potty and wash hands all by myself' back then. Arcady Gaidar, a Russian revolutionary and a writer was a regiment commander at 16.
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