DOES Eurlo have a Writing Ritual? Find out here....

By Eurlo · May 6, 2011 · ·
  1. When she started first writing her book she had music playing, as to what music she is unsure(it was 4 going on 5 months ago) she does know that when she writes with music her best writing appears on the laptop screen.

    Her rituals she follows before writing anything:

    -Goes to her kitchen table
    -turns on her laptop
    -goes to YouTube
    -looks up her "Writing" music (which is currently "The Gazette")
    -finds a fast paced song to start thinking
    -changes songs(by them) according to mood needed or what she wants at the moment
    -writes, sometimes for hours, or a day straight(like when she wrote her prologue)

    Music that has been part of her
    "Ritual" :

    ~Gotta be somebody-nickleback
    ~Several songs by Wolfshiem (German, but speaks English)
    ~The Gazette(most of their songs)(Japanese band, speaks English or Japanese in songs. Other songs, only one language is used)

    She has recently been lounging on her couch and finds relaxing with "The Gazette" playing can sometimes make ideas pop up:)(even if she is in a light sleep mode)

    She has to have her music or writing just doesn't happen.....she loves writing but is loyal to her Ritual, and requires her table and laptop to finish her requirements:D


  1. mugen shiyo
    that's awesome :) i always wondered if anyone else had a writing ritual or was i just being a little too pagan...

    most of the time i write because something cool popped into my head or something i saw makes me think of something else and i'm running to get it down before i forget it. but if i did have a ritual, it would be to clean. make everything neat, clear, and silent in a spacy room. i also open the curtains because i hate artificial light for some reason. i like the quiet because it helps me drift off into my writing. i'm able to think about my characters and their lives and at that point i usually never create nothing, just elaborate on the things i already know. make them a little bit deeper.

    do you have a time that you prefer writing, like day or night?
  2. Eurlo
    Um, mornings and occasional frenzies that pop up in the afternoons, and hardly ever at night. :)

    Glad to hear your (possible) ritual! :D
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