Facebook, Friendship and Foucault: Web 2.0 and the Creation of Cyber-Social Relations

By arron89 · Nov 26, 2009 · ·
  1. The user of Facebook leads a double life. One of these is comprised of lived experiences in the physical world. The other, too, is an assemblage of experiences, interactions within a series or social and political discursive structures. To say that these experiences are 'lived' by the user, however, is misleading. At best, they are experienced vicariously via the digital doppelganger of the Profile, though really it is most correct (and, unfortunately, most unpleasant) to imagine this second life as taking place in an inaccessible, digital dimension, reconstituted by the user from fragments of relayed information delivered to the screens of their computers and mobile phones. Yet to deny the reality of this alternate series of structures on the basis of its distance from the real user is a serious error; not only is are these new cyber-social structures very real, but they have the power to displace the social structures and power relations that exist in the physical world.

    Facebook, and indeed all internet social networks, have at their heart one of the fundamental traditions of Western science and politics--"the tradition of reproduction of the self from the reflections of the other." Firstly, the network itself is conceived as a digital reproduction of the networks that exist in the physical world, an attempt to recontextualise those "lived social relations." However, given the almost endless variety of ways in which two (or more) people may interact with each other, and the resultant variety of relationships that may exist between those people, the creators and rule-makers of Facebook have reduced the entire spectrum of social relations to one single form: Friendship.

    Secondly, we find the self reproducing itself as a reflection of the other in the creation of the Profile. The Profile, and its contents, represent the user. And here, too, we see only an imitation of very limited capacity. Only the most basic of personal information may be provided by the user--name, date of birth, location--meaning that for the Profile to effectively represent a complete person, that user must engage in the creation of a social network so that through interaction with Friends, the sharing of images, information and experience, the Profile becomes a more accurate and convincing facsimile of the user.

    The rule-makes and -enforcers of Facebook are its moderators. Their guidebook is the Rules of Conduct document, and their authority in enforcing it is absolute. However, they cannot possibly be everywhere at once, and with millions of profiles to monitor, they cannot hope to catch all breaches of their conditions. This rather complicates the (popular) idea that Facebook operates as a Foucauldian panopticon. While the spatial dimensions of the Facebook network suggest that the overseers reside in a central 'tower' from whose vantage point they can monitor the Profiles, organising these Profiles as a ring of separated and adjacent 'cells' seems counterintuitive when the aim of the site is to reconstruct the complex social networks of the physical world. Further complicating this reading of the structure of Facebook is the fact that if it is indeed described as a panopticon, then it is at best a panopticon by proxy, never containing any real people or real behaviours, but only the reproductions and results of their actions in the physical world.

    Nevertheless, this situation, although merely an approximation of the device described in Foucault's interview 'The eye of power,' the hierarchical system of surveillance still has the capacity to act as an apparatus "through which power is produced and individuals[' Profiles] are distributed in a permanent and continuous field." Thus, as within Foucault's ideal panopticon, the user is forced to internalise the moderator's (imagined) disciplinary gaze and "[inscribe] in himself the power relation in which he simultaneously plays both roles; he becomes the principle of his own subjection."

    So far, these cyber-social and -power relations have proven to be merely replicas of real-world structures. However, Web 2.0 and social networking have created a context in which several new behaviours and models of power relations have been born.

    The Profile is a performance, just as any other social relation is, in part, performed. Unlike these real-world performances, however, the Profile is permanently public; it is always available to both moderators and those in your network. This means that the emulation of real-world interactions is not always in the best interest of the user. Expressions of anger or resentment, or acts of the same, are unlawful within the context of Facebook, therefore, having internalised the laws and their punishments, the user will likely check themselves, and refrain from publishing their negative sentiments on their public Profile. Facebook, then, ceases to accurately represent the real social relations and interactions of its users in favour of a Utopian social system in which relationships are always either positive or nonexistent.

    This, obviously, is markedly different from the social structures of the physical world, in which negative and neutral relationships are just as important in the networking of people as positive ones. The reason for this divide is Facebook's narrowing of all possible relationships to Friendship. Family members, partners, colleagues and acquaintances are given a single, equal classification. By definition, no link in the network can be of any more importance than any other. As such, and given the success of the site, we are forced to acknowledge an epistemic shift in the definition of Friendship. The closest definition offered by the OED to the use on Facebook is as follows: Friend is "Used loosely . . . applied to a mere acquaintance, or to a stranger, as a mark of goodwill or kindly condescension." As such, the dynamics of power that one would expect to observe in an interaction in the physical world are absent from interaction online, given that both parties have agreed to accept the mutually inclusive term Friend.

    Given the vast divide between the understanding of the meaning of Friendship in the physical world, and its cyber-social counterpart, we are led to conclude that the motives for Friendship are different in each case. As socially-minded beings, creating meaningful and reliable relationships that will bring us benefit has evolved into a biological imperative. We are born into relations of power, and into systems that necessitate the continuing formation of new social relations in order to remain functional. Our success in this context is defined by our ability to construct significant and valuable relationships.

    Facebook removes our ability to qualify our relationships. Every person-to-person interaction occurs in a single social context, which means we cannot define social success in the same way it is defined in the physical world. The only indicator of social success here, then, is the Friend Count, the number of links in our newly-formed network.

    In order for a network to grow successfully, each of the Profiles it contains must be in accordance with the rules of Facebook. To not conform is to discredit both yourself and the network to which you belong. To this end, moderators give users a unique utility that allows them to exercise power over their dissenting Friend by silently reporting them to a moderator. In the physical world, there is no comparable action--if your friend is behaving in an undesirable way, the only option is to take negative action by distancing yourself from that person. Facebook offers no such interaction, only enabling users to sell their friend out to the authorities in order to preserve the integrity of their network. Thus, power and responsibility are deferred from the users to the moderators. When one user reports another, they are vicariously exerting power over that user, although it cannot be recognised as such by the 'victim' as the identity of the reporter is obscured, only implied by the sudden presence of a moderator.

    The Friend Count and cyber-social success are not directly proportionate in their relation to one another. If the count is too low, indeed, it does suggest that the user is incapable of performing the necessary role and, as a result, will not prove to be a valuable addition to a network (though the case may simply be that the user refuses to compromise the physical- world's definition of friendship by beFriending people to whom they would not bestow that title outside of the cyber-social context; an admirable stance, though entirely oppositional to the ensuing redefinition of social codes). Too high, however, and the integrity of the links is weakened. While it is understood that the term Friend differs in significance in the context of Facebook, there is still a very definite threshold beyond which point adding links to the network devalues the Profiles of that user and those users associated with him.

    The Friend Count also has a second significance besides acting as a signifier of cyber-social success. Given the physical absence of the user, one must be sceptical when considering the Profile of any user. It is entirely possible (an, in fact, common) for companies and scammers to set up fake accounts to generate automated advertising messages or to distribute viruses. In order to be successful, these Profiles must reach as many people as possible, usually attempting to network thousands of people at a time. Thus, those with too high a Friend Count risk compromising their own status as human.


  1. arron89
    To prove oneself human, a user must engage in the creation and (re)organisation of a digital architecture of shared knowledge. This may occur in language--communication of ideas, experience and information via text messages--or through the sharing of images of the user. In the second instance, the new phenomenon of folksonomy, or tagging, enables users to share in the production of information and thereby affirm their status as cognizant, real, people. It is clear, therefore, that this second, digital world is incapable of producing its own authority and is still reliant on being linked to the physical world in order to be credible.

    However, just as the digital world is reliant on the physical world for validation, people are becoming more reliant on cyber-social structures to perform their social roles in the physical world. It seems clear that as these digital structures continue to be developed they will come to redefine our real-world social relations, reconfigure our power structures and edge us ever closer to Haraway's cyborg: part-man, part-machine, living a world-changing fiction soon to become fact.

    Works Cited:
    Haraway, D. "A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s." The Haraway Reader. New York and London: Routledge, 2004.
    Foucault, M. "The eye of power", in C. Gordon (ed.), Power/Knowledge, Brighton: Harvester, 1980.
    Foucault, M. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991.
    Oxford English Dictionary, 2e, 1989. Web. 14 Oct 2009.
    Smart, B. Michel Foucault, London: Tavistock, 1985.
  2. HorusEye
    Interesting post. Though, I wouldn't be too Orwellian about it all -- pretty much everyone I know joke about the value of "friendship" according to Facebook and mostly use the thing as an extended phonebook. I think most people are intelligent enough to see the difference between that and real-world physical relations, and just take it for what it is.
  3. arron89
    Right, our generation knows the difference because Facebook is something relatively new and still developing. But by the time the next generation, ten years or so from now, is introduced to it it will be at more or less the same point that they are discovering the social relations of the physical world, and as a result I think some crossover is an inevitability. It will be interesting to see which way is most dominant; whether the real world will be integrated into the digital world, something that has hardly occured at all thus far, and doesn't seem to be happening in the near future, or whether the digital world with its ideosyncratic social and power structures will begin to impose itself more upon the physical world as the line between the two begins to disintegrate (as it is already beginning to).
  4. jlauren
    I have a headache after all of that :p
  5. jonathan hernandez13
    Astrophycist Michio Kaku has called the internet a worldwide telephone system. Fundamentally we as a species are evolving socially and technologically faster than we are biologically. We are beginning to see the framework of a global civilization being laid, one that is, I sincerely hope, beyond tribal/racial/national boundaries. There are many opponents to this inevitable movement, especially the religious right, but it is an unstoppable juggernaut, and short of returning to the Dark Ages nothing can halt the next frontier.

    At some point we just have to ask ourselves whether or not we are comfortable with possible strangers knowing things about us, from what our names are and where we live to what we are doing at every moment.

    In 1984 it was the state and Big Brother that were watching you, Orwell was only half right. It is not the government that makes cell phone videos or our roomates doing embarassing things and women undressing in changing rooms. The government has bigger stuff to do, WE are the watchers. Yes, even your goofy little software literate brother and sister; the greatest enemy is not the state but the mob.

    I for one do not see the appeal of facebook and myspace, asside from finding old friends, networking, and looking for potential sexual partners. I do not play the games on them, I ignore the ads and pop-ups by habit, and would never be compelled to do anything as assinine as stare at a screen with banal banter for hours at a time (yes, before you point out the irony of what I just said, although I am addicted to the WF it has a constructive goal and is less concerned with putrid petty popularism as those mega-ad-elitist-consumer sites):). Yes, I am left-leaning, but that is only part of it.

    Human beings are social animals, just like wolves and other predatory mammals. Within each of us there is a compulsion to follow the herd, and fail to see the hunter that may be among us. I'm not even talking about the sexual stalkers that find gullible victims on Craigslist or the pervs who look for teenie boppers on chat rooms and forums. There are scam artists and snake oils salesmen out there too, if there werent my email spam folder wouldnt be overflowing.

    I am reluctant to give out my cell number, email, or anything of that kind. Its not even that Im afraid of having my identity stolen, another modern threat, I simply do not wish to be a part of THAT world. As long as its my choice, I will bitch about it, but that's all that I can do. Now if someone forces me to join that world, then we have a problem and I'll be right in someone's face.

    This is all new stuff, the Einstein of the cyber-sciences has yet to be born, the Napoleans of the world empire have yet to be born. For good or worse it is coming, and some form of electronic global communication will be its Pony Express.

    whoops, sorry for ranting on your blog, excellent article BTW, let me know when you get it published:p
  6. HorusEye
    Yes, I think it's safe to say that the web 2.0 media will increase its dominance in the future, but along with this, it will also mature. Facebook is very primitive by all social standards, so whatever we have 10 years from now would have to properly reflect the multitude of nuances in real-world social relations, if it's ever to achieve any kind of important role in people's lives.

    If it does so, it will increasingly become an addition to what we have, not a replacement. Physical relations will always come first, even in the future. No web 2.0 program is gonna replace the primal comfort a baby finds at its mother's bosom, nor provide the same stimuli as intimate interaction with friends. Social needs are as much physical as they're mental -- the evidence for this is the tidal wave of depression among people who live solely through their internet connection today.

    As for privacy, that's entirely up to the individual. Nobody could be forced to expose themselves beyond their own comfort, online -- not in any future I can see, anyway. People who do it today, do it because they want to, as an outlet for their exhibitionism.

    I'm not attempting to undermine the premonition in your article, but to paint a more optimistic picture of it, perhaps.
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