
By cydney · Aug 27, 2016 · ·
  1. I'm fascinated with what I've read here about role play. Far beyond my imagination, or at least the technical part. In the past I haven't been a big fan of science fiction or fantasy.

    I have an idea for a game if I could ever get it out of my head and in writing.

    It would be about a world where there are no prisons. Everyone is free. There are evil people, lots of evil people, but it's up to the common population to create ways to keep them away from the innocent.

    For instance, let's say you have a very cruel person who targets happy people. So the benevolent players provide a really positive place for him where he's loved & cared for. And this won't work, of course, because envy & jealous is his problem. (In my opinion, that's ALWAYS the core of the problem. Eg Satan was thrown out of heaven because he was envious of God.)

    Problems will arise because we never really know what motivates evil but that could be part of the game. Maybe that could be part of the game - trying to figure that out.

    So it really wouldn't be a game of fantasy but maybe psychology?

    I don't know. I admit. I'm making all of this up as I go along. :)

    Except the main idea. That could get really elaborate. You could have wars & guns & secret elections. It wouldn't have to all be about the mind.

    The main point would be that there are no formal laws so good people have to trick bad people in order to protect the innocent.

    You can't just lock them up like we do in real life.


  1. cydney
    An Imaginary Scene with God

    God is listening and watching his people. He's among them, you see. He's not looking down on them! Make a note of that!

    He hears grumbling of all kinds. Some of it is hurtful. But most of it is harmless. He's big enough to tell the difference.

    So, momentarily, (time is very nothing-nothing to God) he determines he can go about his usual business.

    He checks out the internet for really cool art to put in his Facebook Photo album, being the art enthusiast he is. Scans a few photographs from a very old book an ancient, wise elderly woman gave him. Considers doing a little gardening, but he's not in the mood.

    Reads the latest dictionary, memorizes all the new words. Scans a few up to date technology magazines. He still loves REAL paper.

    And then he remembers his people. He knows what they're all up in arms about doesn't mean much in the entire scope of things but he also knows it means a lot to them.

    So he returns to be among them, to see if he can help.

    And more often than not, knowing more than half of them won't listen.

    ...but he tries anyway. Always.
  2. cydney
    Today when I get home from work Imma flesh out the scenario in the original post. Change the MC & the villain to female. This is my reminder!
  3. cydney
    I told myself I would try to flesh this story out a little. This weekend would be a good time. What a miracle that would be to actually finish something for a change.

    I don't have the slightest idea what I'm doing so I won't be posting this anywhere else. I have a feeling, since I'll be writing from the POV of the main character that I might be switching between 'I' & 'she' but, as a discipline, I'll try to watch that.

    I don't even know if it's ok to do that. But I do my best writing in a journal format so that's where I intend to start.

    My next post will be descriptions of the main character & the villain.
  4. cydney
    I actually have my pen & my French dictionary (Google-style) out for this one! Fun!

    This will be a tale of fascination and obsession. Fascination - positive. Obsession - negative.

    The main character is Senticalme (at peace). The villain's name is Desoriente (unable to understand).

    Des has narcissistic sociopathic traits. I say traits because the cause is not yet determined. Sent would like to give her the benefit of the doubt.

    Sent also has negative traits but through spiritual help she continues to work through them, always trying to take responsibility for her actions. Des does not appear to have that ability and has disconnected from spiritual leadership.

    In this world freedom rings for everyone - no prisons or such institutions. As mentioned earlier, it's up to the common folk to distract/or take care of those who commit crimes against humanity, thus like a boiling pot in the opposite direction - good, strong people float to the top. And the scum - not sure yet! (Who and what 'scum' is & what to do with it in order to protect the innocent - the theme or storyline, at this point).

    So I'm walking into the middle of this story. Here's what's happened so far.

    A place of acceptance is set aside for Des but she's not happy there. She wants more. She feels the entire world revolves around her & cannot discern between fantasy and reality, or anything other than what she personally understands. This lack of discernment & understanding causes her to go into rages & fits when one little change is made, or when something doesn't suit her frame of reference. She's unable to see the 'whole picture & is unable to let things rest awhile for a better view. In her mind there is only one view - hers.

    She's become obsessed with the leader of the country & can't let go. Her obsession causes her to be jealous, envious, blind and cruel. She will do anything to get what she wants, to make herself feel better, to have what she believes, erroneously, is happiness which is love and attention on a purely romantic basis.

    to be cont. ....

    Reminder: This is just a story, a tale - a way for me to learn and the only way I can do that is to write about something I know or I should say, believe I know.
  5. cydney
    I've decided to go another route with this story. I wanted to give my villain the benefit of the doubt but that's no longer possible. The emotional cost is too high.

    I'll have to think of something else. I'm still fascinated with this kind of writing. But my emotions are very tired. I feel like a rag doll been torn bits and shaken.
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