Frustrated newbie

By MarmaladeQueen · Aug 5, 2011 · ·
  1. I am so pleased to have found this site. People here seem to really take the trouble to give valuable critiques of each others' work. And from what I've seen, at least some of the writing is of a good standard - although I've only read general fiction short stories so far so there may be many more gems to discover.

    It's so frustrating, though, can I can't post any of my own stuff yet.

    Impatience, impatience.:)


  1. teacherayala
    Don't worry--you'll get there! :) Try your hand at critiquing!
  2. Jayyy1014
    I totally agree with ayala! :) Try critiquing, It really helps you pass time and it also helps you improve as a writer! Trust me I'm not just saying that, it really does help! (Own experience)
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