Getting my Ideas together

  1. So I noticed this site had a blog section and while I do have my own website that I use to update on my life, I think I'm going to be using this blog to try and keep track of the different novels I plan on writing, along with where they are currently, etc.
    Demonized: Currently outlining
    =Untitled=: Have characters, no title yet, will outline after finished with Demonized
    Soot and Clouds: Currently being written, plan on rewriting
    Bloody Collar: Plan on rewriting
    Buraddisodo: Plan on rewriting and retitling
    Change is Coming: Plan on rewriting
    Colorless: Plan on rewriting
    Demons and Clouded Judgment: Plan on rewriting
    Fog: Plan on rewriting
    Life's Value: Plan on rewriting
    Nightmare: Plan on rewriting
    Silence: Plan on rewriting
    Survive: Plan on rewriting
    The Alice Legend: Plan on rewriting
    The Meaning of: Plan on rewriting
    The World as We Know it: Plan on rewriting
    Who are you: Plan on rewriting


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