Getting the Part

By Lil Miss Me · Feb 20, 2009 ·
  1. Well when I heard what musical we were doing I was in instant heaven. I LOVE using a british accent and for those of you not familiar with Oliver!'s a cockney accent all the way. My immediate assumption was that the choir teacher's pet would be the recipient of the lead part. I didn't even dare hope for Nancy.

    I figured I'd try out for Mrs. Sowerberry and be happy to have that part. After all, that part was some of the best comedic relief I've ever seen. So I went about looking for an audition piece and low and behold, a song from My Fair Lady that held all the right attitude and more importantly accents. I rehearsed it about twice before I was ready to rock and roll.

    At tryouts I was estatic! I blew them away, it was probably the best audition I'd ever done in my life. And I hadn't even thought I'd done good until I started comparing myself to the others. Even miss teacher's pet was sort of a let down. Inside I was already bragging:p...but on the outside I just played it cool.:cool:

    I tried out on a monday and callbacks were not until Wednesday night. They said we'd know by Tuesday evening whether we were required to be at callbacks and not to worry if they didn't want you there because that didn't necessarily mean we hadn't gotten a part. But I'd tried out two years ago, and I knew that was a lie.

    I was so nervous Tuesday night I could've thrown up, even though I thought I'd done good one can never be too sure. I had every phone on a charger and had kept my brother at bay for a good two hours before the phone call was supposed to be made. At six o' clock I was holding my breath, they said we'd know by then. Sure enough at six on the dot, the band/orchestra director called and informed me I'd gotten the callback. I believe they call the place my emotions went to cloud nine.

    At call backs we (meaning the girls) were given the ending measures to Nancy's big solo. We all went to practice in the art room for ten minutes. Then we would have to preform. I had seen the play, I had loved the part, I knew just how to handle it. While other girls were putting their own little twists on the song or singing in a light feathery voice, I stepped up to bat and belted that song with all the emotion and talent I posessed. And of course, my best cockney accent.

    Try-outs couldn't have been more tailored to my talents! Next was a reading of a really dramatic scene. Not only do I do my best cockney accent when angry, but I also do my best acting when being dramatic. I was doing the sign of the cross and thanking Jesus by the time I stepped up to read. Wham-oh! Another home run, or at least as far as I was concerned. The only other real competition was Lil Miss Teacher's Pet. *gulp* I hadn't dared to hope for the part, but there the opportunity was staring me in the face. Was it possible I could have a shot?! :confused: My stomach was in knots the night before the list went up, I didn't sleep a wink.

    The day of the listing we weren't being told until after school. Talk about torture! Not only could I at that point not think straight, I also felt physically sick with anticipation. I mean, all I needed was a chance to shine, I loved the part of Nancy, and lord help me I had a shot! The last period of the day was the worst. I was sitting there knowing the cast list would be up any minute. When the bell rang I flew down the hall, my tennis shoes slamming the tile as hard as they could.

    A bunch of girls already dressed for Basketball practice were there, pointing at the cast list. They called my name and pointed to Nancy. I thought they were making fun of me, that I hadn't gotten the part. But when I looked at it I saw my name next to hers. My heart did summersaults, my brain went into overload. Hot salty tears assaulted my cheeks as I opened my mouth and screamed in raw shock and joy. I'm pretty sure my facial expressions ranged from-

    :eek:(due to image limits insert confused, tongue bearing, freaking out and smiley faces here):D
    In a span of like three seconds. So there's the shortened version of the try outs. I will give you more in the life of an actress when I am less tired. It's late, I've had a long day, and I've got an even longer one tomorrow. This little actress is off to bed for the night.

    ~Lil Miss Me


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