Highs Among a Low

By InPieces · Jul 2, 2008 · ·
  1. Wow, it's been a while since I've used this thing.

    Despite my creative low, I've (still) been attempting to find homes for older works that I have written. I guess it's sort of helpful, since I've just been getting angry at myself lately for not being able to write anything that I find suitable to keep :rolleyes:

    Anyway, I received an acceptance today (among a rejection also). The tanka entitled Remains of Yesterday will be published in the August 2008 issue of Static Movement Magazine. For now, it will just be published in the online version, which I will provide a link to when the date arrives, but it is under consideration for the second print edition which is currently in the works. I'll keep you posted.

    Also, when I was cruising around websites that I have sent my work to, I discovered that one of my poems was used without notifying me. I had sent the magazine my poem, but it would have been nice to get an email so I could keep track of such things - gotta love the publishing industry :rolleyes:. That poem can be read here. I don't know how long that'll be available.

    Until next time,

    ~ M.V.A. Cristiano


  1. Rumpole40k
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