Hijab - The Reality Behind The Veil

By Charisma · Jun 5, 2008 · ·
  1. This is a short article adopting a question-answer pattern to explain the concept of veil in Islam. For those who avoid religious discussions, let me just say that this is no longer a religious issue. it has become a social, political and economic crisis, which can only be solved through the individual understanding of Islam and its values. It is important for people to learn to differentiate between the message of media and the message of Allah, in order to construct harmonious relations between Muslims and Non-Muslims, with Islam being the fastest growing religion in the world.

    What is hijab?

    The word "hijab" comes from the Arabic word "hajaba" meaning to hide from view or conceal. In today's world, it means the veil worn by Muslim women.

    However, it is important to note that the concept of hijab is not limited to the covering of body parts. It relates to covering all parts of the human intelligence which can be polluted by evil. For instance, there is hijab of the eye (protecting oneself from seeing evil), hijab of the mouth (refraining from saying wrong, lies, slandering, backbiting, etc), hijab of the ears (protecting oneself from listening to evil such as profanities) and hijab of the heart/soul (protecting oneself from imagining and thinking ill and wrong). In this regard, Muslim men and women both are to wear hijab, but physical hijab is different for both genders keeping in view their needs and responsibilities in the Muslim society.

    For a Muslim man, the awrah (i.e. the body parts which should remain covered) is from the navel to the knee. He cannot expose his awrah to any woman or man save his wife.

    For a Muslim woman, the awrah is the entire body except the hands up to the wrists and the face (there is dissent in this regard, some say the mouth should also be covered, but regardless of the fact a woman may cover her mouth or not, as she wishes).

    The dress should meet five other criteria (for both sexes): 2) It should not be so glamorous as to attract the opposite sex, 3) It should not be so tight fitting that it reveals the figure, 4) It should not be transparent so that one can see the body parts that are to be covered, 5) It should not resemble the dress of the opposite sex and 6) it should not resemble the dress of the Non-Muslims.

    The entire subject is summarized eloquently in the following two verses:
    "Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.
    And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! turn ye all together towards Allah, that ye may attain Bliss." (Chapter 24, Verses 30 and 31)

    Those exempted from the limits of hijab are still not free to see any part of the female's body.
    The limitations increase in ascending order i.e. the husband is free to see any part of the woman, while the father and following persons are not to be treated in this way. Muslim women are to cover their heads and bosoms for the following list of men, with the magnitude of ornaments and beautification decreasing as the subjects proceed.

    In case of close females, the awrah is from the navel to knee.

    Why has hijab been enforced on the Muslim women?

    The Quran answers the question directly and briefly in the following words:
    "O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft- Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Chapter 33, Verse 59)

    The two main reasons for the obligation of hijab are 1)They should be known/recognized as Muslim women, like the distinguishing mark for Muslim men is beard, 2)They would be safe from molestation. To prove the second reason, I'll take the example of USA. According to a FBI report, in the year 1990, every day on an average 1756 cases of rape were committed in USA alone. Later another report said that on an average everyday 1900 cases of rapes are committed in USA. The year was not mentioned. Similar figures have been reported by the US
    Department of Justice. It is not a surprise that the rape rate is highest in USA. But if one plays with logic, if all women in USA started wearing hijab, would the rape rate increase or decrease? Is lewd dressing going to encourage a man to tease a woman, or otherwise? Tackle with common sense, friends.

    It is for this marked reason, why hijab is enforced on women.

    Why is hijab compulsory, why not an option like for nuns?

    Following rules is not an option, and maintaining peace is not an option. Since hijab is a law for maintaining peace, it is in turn not an option. It is foolish to give me an option to get raped and not get raped, provided all other conditions are equal. Every women who is a Muslim is supposed to wear hijab, it is a social reform which requires attendance.

    Why is hijab a symbol of subjugation and oppression?

    That is because of the media and misrepresentation of islam by certain Muslims themselves.

    The Quran and the Sunnah (life of the Prophet [PBUH]) do not promote subjugation through hijab, but freedom. It is important to note why women wear dresses which attract attention. It may be for these reasons:

    1) To get praised, grab attention. Islam refutes extravagance and show off, and attempting to gain praise is an evil in Islam.

    2) To get the opposite sex to be attracted to you, thus finding a spouse. Islam considers the physical and sexual value of companionship as the lowest priority, so where western women have their first impression as their beauty and make-up talents, Muslim women have it as their intelligence and character, which is more important in any association.

    3) For self-satisfaction. If someone dresses up to be satisfied, then it is a sign that he/she does not recognize Allah's love for His creatures. One should be happy with his/her beauty, because Allah knows and wants best for us.

    Thus, hijab is not subjugation, it is liberation. Nowadays women are mere statues of beauty and sexual attraction. Islam nullifies such importance and values the intelligence and character instead, which everyone can attain.

    Do you wear hijab?


    I'm offended!!!

    I'm deeply sorry, that was not my intention.

    I have to debate on this.

    PM or comments are welcome.

    For an online Quran, refer to www.searchtruth.com
    For a detailed and alternative explanation on this topic, refer to http://www.peacetv.in/faq01.php (Question 3)


  1. Wreybies
    This is a very intriguing and personal look into a different way of being. Thank you for sharing this. I think it is a classic example of how things are rarely as simple as we believe them to be.

    I know you have to debate this concept, so here is my borrowed opinion.

    In a short lived, bet well written show in the United States called Jack & Bobbie, a poli-sci professor all but condemned one of her female students in the middle of class for dressing in a traditional Muslin manner. She expressed that the student was repressed and the victim of millennia of male oppression. The young female student took extreme umbrage to this commentary and later in the episode expressed to the teacher that it was American women who were repressed and oppressed by the ridiculous images of what female beauty is supposed to be with which they are bombarded from television and movies and magazines every day. The two women got into a very heated discussion and it was plain to see that the argument could easily be understood from both points of view. Both women felt that they upheld the feminist ideal, one by being free spirited and doing what she wants, the other by not giving in to ridiculous standards of beauty which no one can actually attain.

    Few things are ever as simple as they appear.
  2. Charisma
    It's good to know that you have understood my point, Wreybies. My only purpose is to communicate to the non-Muslims the true logic behind hijab, and its benefits.
  3. HeinleinFan
    This is a good post, well-organized and written. You'll have to understand that many people won't think the way that you do on the subject, mostly due to differences in culture and experience.

    At least where I am (United States, a good college in the Boston area), most people respect the choice to wear a hijab while believing strongly that the choice should be up to the wearer. That is, while they can understand that those people who believe the holy Qu'ran and the hadith are true word-for-word would want to wear the hijab as a matter of religious modesty and customs, they would strongly disagree with the idea of forcing someone to wear it.

    By the way, awesome parody at the end there! I laughed out loud when I read the "I'm offended!" line.

    I'm not sure what you mean about the hijab protecting people from rape - around here, it's just expected that no one may harm another in that way. I found a link to the site that you probably used for your rapes-per-person information (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_rap_percap-crime-rapes-per-capita) and you're right that the United States is fairly high on the list.

    On the other hand, part of that is because we treat statuatory rape as part of the total rape count (that is, when an 18-year-old and a 15-year-old get caught having sex, since the 15-year-old is still not an adult, the 18-year-old will be charged with a crime. This isn't usually true if there's only a slight difference between their ages.) and partly because most rapes are reported in the U.S. There is no actual stigma attached to being a rape victim, and no social consequences although I understand that it is obviously devastating to the victim, who can feel traumatized and alone despite the support of her family, friends and counselors. So very few cases go unreported, which may or may not be the case in other countries.

    Thanks for your post! Keep writing - it's thought provoking and very interesting.
  4. Charisma
    I would not be sure about that, since I've read in statistical datas that the chances of a rapist being ever caught are fairly low, and if he's ever caught it's just 2 years of imprisonment for him. (Islam has capital punishment for rape)

    But I appreciate that you read this and understood my purpose behind it, I hope you can communicate your idea to your friends as to improve cross-religion and cross-culture relations.
  5. Neha
    You wear the Hijab? That's Cool!!!! Unfortunately, our school's private, so the dress code does not allow hijab..so the Muslim girls have no choice.

    And if anyone's interested...10 things I hate about me and Does my head look big in this are two good fiction books centered around the hijab.
  6. Charisma
    Which is just shocking. :eek:

    Ah...that's why you recommended them to me earlier? I see. ;)
  7. Macaberz
    Sorry for the necropost, but I think this line illustrates the problem I have with Hijab:

    So it isn't a choice. It's an absolute rule that must be followed...or else. When asked by Christians/Muslims/Jews or other theist as to why I am bother about religion at all I often reply that I wouldn't have if people kept their religion to themselves. To me point 1 is very much bordering that line. Yes you can dress as you like, but I dare to wonder how many muslims would truly dress that way if they were given a choice, without any sort of consequence, to dress as they pleased or dress in/with Hijab.
  8. Macaberz
    Sorry for the necropost, but I think this line illustrates the problem I have with Hijab:

    So it isn't a choice. It's an absolute rule that must be followed...or else. When asked by Christians/Muslims/Jews or other theist as to why I am bother about religion at all I often reply that I wouldn't have if people kept their religion to themselves. To me point 1 is very much bordering that line. Yes you can dress as you like, but I dare to wonder how many muslims would truly dress that way if they were given a choice, without any sort of consequence, to dress as they pleased or dress in/with Hijab.


    I don' t find that shocking at all. I think it is much better to have one guideline for all, to ensure equality, than to have a guideline where everyone has to be dressed a certain way except for religious folks. No. It' s either you can dress as you like or you go with a uniform, you'll only produce social fragmentation if you go somewhere in between and start playing with exceptions.
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