Hover Fly

By Wreybies · Dec 7, 2008 · ·
  1. There is a hover-fly next to the house today. I’m not really sure what kind of insect it is, honestly. It’s body is reflectively metallic and ripples with the dark rainbow of oil on wet pavement. It has a very large body, more like a bee than a fly. A quick internet search gave me information that there are solitary, stingless, ground burrowing bees native to Puerto Rico that might or might not be my little morning-coffee companion. It can hover with a precision that is just amazing. Every minute or so, it flits away at blinding speed only to zip right back to almost the exact same spot where it had previously been hovering, as though the X,Y, and Z coordinates were somehow locked into its navigational array.

    Amazing little critter. Nature is awesome.


  1. SonnehLee
    That's pretty cool. Insects rock. :p
  2. Speedy
    We have native bee like- bug things in Australia that sound EXACTLY like what you mentioned (always come out in summer time) - well apart from the metallic ripple.

    You didnt take a photo of it did you?
  3. Wreybies
    Sadly I did not take a photo. When I sat down outside on the side porch, I had no idea he was even there. When I saw him, I didn't want to scare him away because he was so fascinating to watch.
  4. Speedy
    CHances are you'll see em again.

    If their anything like the ones round here, you can be sitting down reading the paper outside and theyll just buzz/gluid around you (a foot away or so).

    Mind you i actually haven't seen one for ages (they uysually pop out on those nice hot summer days). he first time i saw one i ran off like a kid, i thought it was going to sting me.
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