How to cultivate metaphors

By peachalulu · Sep 16, 2012 · ·
  1. “A metaphor is the act of the imagination, figuring one thing to be another.” Lord Kames.

    This wonderful quote kicked off an urge in me, to find some tips on metaphors.
    I scoured my how-to-write books only to discover, not much is said about them. Odd. I consider
    metaphors to be the life blood of an authors work. A great metaphor, allegory, simile - they’re
    all limbs from the same body, can carry your piece. They can give it tone, vision, atmosphere
    and when they go wrong, they can sabotage all three of these things.

    Here’s some rules to keep in mind -

    * Metaphors need to relate to your subject - Although in themselves, metaphors are a
    juxtaposition, a jumbling of an unrelated object to another - such as when Edgar Allen Poe
    says The past is a pebble in my shoe - remember that time and place are important. His
    metaphor is timeless but lets tweak it, say I'm still writing in Poe’s era , the 1800s, could
    I than say - The past is a pebble in my Reebok? No, I couldn’t.
    But it would be fine in a modern novel.

    * Metaphors should relate to your characters - Would a tween say “I feel like a tax write-off.”
    Probably not- they don’t know what a tax write-off is. But a guy with his overbearing blind date,
    ( who has just yanked the bill out of his hand ) might. Keep your characters interests, social
    status, personality in mind before creating one.

    * No Mixing - metaphors are like placing one image over another to highlight the initial object
    and give it a fresh vision. Imagine likening a big old Cadillac to a boat, rocking it’s way through
    the current of traffic to the coast. You can’t jam another image in there without confusing the
    reader. If you suddenly say - The big old boat of a Cadillac rocked through the traffic towards
    the coast where it plowed up the beach like a tank storming Normandy - the reader goes say
    what? What is this a car or a transformer? It was a boat and now it’s a tank.

    Here’s another metaphor to describe what goes on when you mix your metaphors - Imagine
    you, the author, are a witness - describing a criminal to the police sketch artist ( the reader )
    as he is poised to add up all the info you’ve given him, you start waffling - He had ears like
    mini satellite dishes yeah, yeah, real elf ears. The sketch artist will go hold on! Are they elf
    ears or satellite dishes? Don’t be stubborn and say both. The reader will toss you out of there
    and pick up someone with better vision. Don’t mix. Keep your initial vision clear.

    Okay that’s basically it for the rules - now on to the good stuff.

    How to cultivate a Metaphor.

    * First things first - you have to plant metaphor seeds. Seriously. All a metaphors is, is a
    substitute image - likening one thing to another. The easiest way to generate oodles of
    comparisons is to start filling up your brain with images. Pictures, visuals are the easiest
    things to relate to because that’s exactly what’s going on in writing, you write a word which
    paints an image in the readers mind. Say I write - Green Pear - you can hardly
    stop the image from appearing.

    Scour the internet for images - Gather things pertaining to the earth, to animals, to houses
    and architecture, to tools and appliances. To pop culture and art. To history and space. To
    toys and nostalgia. To machines and vehicles and...and.. You get the picture. Go to the
    library - buy their discard books - like wildflower or gem guides, scan the local thrift
    stores for National Geographics - a superb mix of social studies and wildlife. Remember
    even if it’s dated - it can still spark off relevant comparisons.

    * Have a fresh outlook - when you look for images be diverse - don’t think well I’m not
    writing a fantasy so I won’t look up castles. That’s a problem, you’re thinking a castle
    image is only pertinent to fantasy - however a castle image could be the key to a story
    about a disillusioned housewife who is hardly living a dream life and baking cookies using
    castle cookie cutters. This could revolutionize the whole scene.

    Don’t label ideas or items - that in itself is a sheer cliche buster - spooky doesn’t have to
    be a creepy old house, cobwebs, and crypts. It can be anything if you have the vision for it.
    Don’t just look at objects and see them as they are, but as what they could be, and have
    been. A good way to explore this is go to a sell sight like Ebay - type in something like
    Chinese Blossom and all kinds of diverse objects will come up. I looked up matadors the
    other day and came up with a drinking cup made from a bull’s horn - interesting image!
    And something I never would have thought of.

    * Images are all fine an dandy but knowing about the image is a huge bonus - A picture
    of a rose is beautiful and can spark metaphors for tightly wound inner layers, -
    a rose-within-a-rose-within-a-rose, to it’s color, down to it’s sharp thorns. But that
    doesn’t help for the scent of a rose, field work or gathering some funky history about
    your object is a must. That way you can surprise your reader with a rose petal jam
    metaphor - It was as pretty and fragrant and flavorless as a spoonful of grandma’s
    rose petal jam. Learn the science of objects, learn their history.

    * Study metaphor rich poets - it will help you discover the lyrical beauty of a
    metaphor - read them out loud, hear harmony of syllables. This is wonderful for
    creating quick, precise and often elegant metaphors.


  1. tiffanylyn
    I was on the home page and saw "how to cultivate metaphors" in the right column and had to read it due to your title. This post is fantastic and appreciate you sharing. Not to stalk you, but I do believe I'm going to go through and read all of your posts from the past. I have much to learn and you are great at providing good information, and in a way I understand quickly. Cheers!
  2. peachalulu
    Thanks, Tiffanylyn! The post was inspired by a great little nugget I found in this old, musty, unassuming little volume
    called the Art of Speech. The nugget was and I'm paraphrasing - ( the 131 year old book was amazing but the sentences a little stilted ) 'make your mind a storehouse of visuals.' I was like wow, that is so freakin' simple it's brilliant. I ran with it.
    It's really amazing where you can find inspiration!
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