If I write my book and it gets published...

By forgotenmemory · Dec 30, 2007 · ·
  1. and I have a pen name. Lets say I do, and I never reveal my identity. When should I do that? My mom said I should do it when I'm an adult.


  1. Charisma
    Yeah. The pen name part at least. Don't get yourself into legal affairs.
  2. forgotenmemory
    What does that mean? I think it would be cool if I write a story and it's popular, and people want to know who I am, but they can't. Because I'm mysterious!
  3. Hulk
    Sounds like a great idea to me!
  4. Charisma
    It's fun, but just in case, you don't want people to file case against you for pretence or anything. But if you find it safe from where you live, then go ahead. It is a cool idea.
  5. forgotenmemory
    But I don't get it, why would they file a case against me?
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