If you had a choice

By CsicSavage · Nov 26, 2009 · ·
  1. If you had a choice would
    you change what you
    got? Would you turn up
    the noise or thicken the
    plot? Or would you
    change nothing just to
    watch it again from the
    place it all started to the
    place it all ends if
    through the first part you
    darted would you slow
    down for the rest would
    you make yourself
    wealthy or holy &
    blessed? If you were
    down and depressed
    would you brighten your
    day if you knew what
    path to take would you
    go that way? What do
    you say ? What is it that
    you'de do ? To error is
    human we all know thats
    too true but what if you
    knew to rise above & do
    the opposite of whatever
    it is you did that kept you
    from love if push came
    to shove where would
    you stand would you be
    taking advantage or
    lending a hand like grains
    of sand were all washed
    away in the tied if you
    attempted and failed
    would you continue to try
    no need to reply
    because you call the shot
    so if you had a choice
    would you change what
    you got?


  1. CsicSavage
    Its done now let of know
    what you think
  2. Jakie_Boi
    really good, i REALLY like it
  3. kayeshannon
    Very well done - a few typos and mis-spellings, but nice.
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