I'm choosing denial

By zorell · Apr 19, 2009 · ·
  1. I'm Choosing Denial

    If somebody asks:
    Did that really happen on saturday?
    I'm choosing denial.

    When someone says:
    You're family really forgot?
    I'm choosing denial.

    Should somebody say:
    It was that bad?
    I'm choosing denial.

    I'll choose denial like a loyal friend.
    I'll reject reality like the current trend.
    I'll run with denial, and I will never look back again.


  1. Kersti
    i must say that i love this!
    good work.
  2. Mercurial
    This was a fantastic piece. I especially like the last stanza; the reality about denial is very apparent here.
    Whatever did happen on Saturday, I hope that you're alright and no one has asked so you dont have to lie. :love:
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