Intriguing NASA news.

By Speedy · Nov 12, 2010 · ·

    It probably won't be much of interest to the greater comunity (Black hole, posssible new class of star, gamma bubble etc). But i myself, am looking to find out what it is.

    Apperetnly i read somewhere else that NASA has no idea what caused this thing.... Which is why im so interested in knowing what this is (New class of star?)


  1. Pallas
    I bet it's Galactus...

    but on a serious note, seems like rather interesting news, I'll make sure to read up. Black holes aren't anything special anymore, I hear they create them everyday in those fancy particle accelerators.
  2. DaWalrus
    OK, anyone knows a good post-anal-probe-traumatic-stress-disorder counselor?
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