It's Easier to Hate

By bucket · Feb 8, 2010 · ·
  1. Something I've realized, over the course of my High School trials and tribulations, is that it's far easier to hate and be hated, then to pour all your time, tears, and tenacity into getting people to like you.

    For instance, it takes weeks, months, even, to build up a solid reputation among your peers, to establish oneself as a friendly, good-natured,and likable guy. Friendships and reputations are things that are cultivated, as a crop of vegetables, or an orchard is cultivated.

    However, with a single phrase an individual can be instantly turned against you, their animosity and dislike instantly brought upon you. Add to that another word or phrase, and you have a long lasting enemy whose disposition will not easily be returned to that of a friend.

    The establishment of your personality amongst your peers is a very difficult task indeed if one desires the perception to be that of a good one. Every words must be watched, every action carefully executed, every sentence spoken meticulously analyzed. The extent to which one's self-consciouness rises is astounding and disturbing. The fear of saying or doing something that might possibly in any way decrease the amound of goodwill another might have for you consumes you, domintates your every facial expression and laugh. It is a curse, a burden the threatens to break one down entirely.

    It's so easy, so incredibly easy, to become disliked, to have those around you view you with contempt. Certainly, being disliked takes little effort, as indifference is easily construed as a notion of dislike. One does not have to do favors for friends, talk to them when you do not feel like talking, listen to their problems and their friend's problems. Friends require a severe amount of effort, and the lack of any conversly requires almost none.

    Thus, it is easier to hate. When you can view those around you with contempt, their contemptous words are easily dismissed, easily ignored. For if you hate them so much, one can build up a wall of contempt and hate, of spite and bitterness, and the words of your enemies meets nought but a sneer fixed upon your face.

    It's easier, so much easier to hate. You don't have to worry about what your peers think. You can be yourself, there is no peer pressure because your peers have all already ostrasized you. To be hated is to be free.

    It's so much easier to hate and be hated.


  1. RomanticRose
    Easier and lonlier.
  2. Cosmos
    I don't know if I necessary agree. What others think of you can certainly change with a flash, but that's generally people with no power to see outside the box. There are a great many people who you can make mistakes around and they still like you. It might be the ones you're deailng with that are perfectionists or lack empathy, which might be why you're seeing so many people who refuse to let people act naturally without fear of reprisals.

    And despite these fickle people a person should always try to act as natural as possible, any given circumstance to be addressed accordingly. I know for a while there I enjoyed having people dislike me, but after some soul-searching I realized that I was letting some bad experiences shape me and I decided to give people another chance. And some of them betrayed me for that trust, but in the end it was worth that pain, that effort, that extended love, to get the ones who were worthy of it in the end.

    I know it's hard to be loved at times, but there's nothing desirable about being hated. It's an endless loop of suffering that serves no one, lest the one feeling the hate.

    "Love lifts the world; hate burdens the bearer."
  3. Jakob
    I like this piece of writing. Certainly I can relate, being sort of a "prep"

    Not that my "social status" necessarily defines my attitude and personality. I know there are people who love me for my jokes and for all the fun I've had with a multitude of people on a myriad of occasions etc etc... I like partying every weekend and having plenty of friends, sure, but I find myself bending my own beliefs just to get along with someone. Certainly I don't like black jokes, or find it particularly funny when someone points and laughs at a nerd. But still I laugh.
  4. Irish87
    Please, I hope you don't take this the wrong way but what you're describing is the cowards way out. You are throwing your hands up and walking away, shirking your duties as a human being. The problem, of course, is not that you're robbing others of your friendship, but rather you're robbing yourself of much needed socialization.

    The key to all things in life is balance. Unless you are able to have a balanced social life then other things will suffer greatly. You don't have to please everyone, or anyone for that matter. Instead, be confident with who you are and others will naturally flock to you. And NO, you can't fake it - people see through that stuff. Instead of worrying about others and caring whether or not they like you, enjoy your time on Earth and have some fun.

    I guess if you want you can stick to the idea that hate is a decent ideology. Personally, I find the whole idea to be pathetic. Sorry if that offends you at all.
  5. HorusEye
    I agree with the comments above. And I can see from your profile that you're 17 - I remember that age and not with much fondness...but don't let your current philosophy eat you up. All the time you spend now torturing yourself, you'll have to spend equally on repairs later. I'd say straighten up, get back in the game and don't worry so much about what others think, but I know such advice would bounce right off the hormone-driven and angsty condition of being 17. So all I can say is good luck, hope you survive the age without too much damage done.
  6. bucket
    I know being yourself is what you're supposed to do, what's reportedly the key to happiness, but I am increasingly feeling that my natural self is an ass. A bitter, irritable ass. I mean, sometimes I feel like I'm just goofy and funny, but I don't know. I feel like trying to be nice and be likable is unnatural, and like I'm trying to be someone I'm not.

    Ugh, I don't know I'm confused...
  7. Norm
    Come on man. If you genuinely like yourself, other people will like you too.
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