Learn from my Failure. Never exact Revenge.

By Link the Writer · Apr 24, 2016 · ·
  1. http://historum.com/american-history/107684-all-right-if-i-study-american-folklore.html

    In case you ever wanted a case study on what happens when you let old grudge fester within you, take a gander at the thread I made there yesterday when I was in a somewhat sour mood.

    To make an exceedingly long story short: An event happened there years ago, when I was cyber-bullied on that forum. Though the member in question is long gone, I never let go of that grudge. Never let go of that hate if you will. Yesterday, when I was in a sour mood, I decided to go back to this forum and be as passive aggressive as humanly possible (by my standards) and make that thread.

    Result? I'm ashamed. Horrified. I've no words to describe it. They knew what I was doing and correctly called me out on it, and for the first time I realized just what I was doing: I was allowing an old hate to ruin my reputation on that forum, to alienate myself from everyone else there.

    Guess this is why they always said revenge was never a good thing. Revenge, though satisfying in the short term, as it satisfies whatever primal feeling you may have, it doesn't do shit in the long run. Exhibit A: that thread I made.

    So here you go, an example of what happens when you let an old grudge fester; what happens when you attempt revenge for something that happened years ago. If anything else, I hope you all learn from my failure. Revenge may be sweet in the short-term, but in the long-term it does nothing but make you look like an asshole.
    Oscar Leigh likes this.


  1. Oscar Leigh
    Well, some people can get more out of revenge than others. But yes, if you want to be a good, polite person, it's not good to do that. And that wasn't a very effective revenge tactic, to be honest. I mean, you haven't had revenge until you've tried evisceration! You should really be the better man and walk away from grudges, especially petty ones over he said this or she said that. Peace. :blowkiss::blowkiss:
      Link the Writer likes this.
  2. Link the Writer
    I agree, I love that forum and respect the people there but all they see is some whiny guy who can't let go of something that happened eight years ago, playing up the drama of “Oh, am I not allowed to like this or that” in relation to American history and drumming up some long-gone poster as the reason for the question. Basically I continued to play victim even after the aggressor was long gone. I could've moved on, but I didn't. I let it fester in me.

    Looking at it now, it's all pathetic really. I would've thought I'd have been more mature enough to let go rather than stamp and shout as I so often did on that forum. Apparently not. <sighs> Well, at least I learned something from this. At the end of the day, you alone decide how long you should suffer. I was hurting myself more than that person ever did. This is a relatively new concept for me: I didn't think it'd be possible for us to hurt ourselves.

    All in all, we should all try to cull our primate urges to fling poo at the person/people we hate and attempt to be the best human beings we know we damned well can be. I know I'm better than this, I know I can let go of grudges. Whatever that forum decides to do with me, I honestly will support them because after all the crap I've put them through, I think they deserve to have a little comeback y'know? “Smack me, I'll smack you.”
      Oscar Leigh likes this.
  3. Oscar Leigh
    Just let me sacrifice you to the history gods and I'm sure you'll be forgiven in the historical afterlife. :p
      Link the Writer likes this.
  4. Link the Writer
      Oscar Leigh likes this.
  5. Samuel Lighton
    Revenge has always been portrayed as some kind of hollow catharsis, but it's an extremely broad scope. What you did wasn't really revenge, it was self bullying. You became something that wasn't really you because you were hurt, clearing whoever you are from the equation completely. That part of you took over and controlled you, bullied you into doing that. It is a part of you, but it isn't you.

    Revenge is never about controlling yourself, it's about controlling others to administer your own justice.

    What's more is revenge doesn't have to end badly, it's not a destructive force inherently, and not inherently bad. You can destroy, but you can create in revenge too. Sometimes exclusively. It's as much a part of human nature as anything and everything else we are.
      Link the Writer and Oscar Leigh like this.
  6. Oscar Leigh
    Yep. But what I don't wanna, huh? Did ya' think of that? :D
    Anyway, yeah, it can be more effective, and yeah, it's a human thing. But the same can be said of killing for sheer sadistic pleasure. Ultimately, it's not something that we should really encourage. If we want to solve a problem that arises from a person's actions, getting spiteful about it does not help. And will indeed dramatically increase the chance of someone doing more harm than needed to solve the problem. Or doing harm where none is needed at all. And discounting more peaceful solutions.
      Link the Writer likes this.
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