
By Cosmos · Jan 22, 2010 · ·
  1. Inspired by the thread talking about love I've found often wondered about it. I'm sure I found it, but I've not always be able to understand the differences between love and lust, devotion and possession.

    I've only had a handful of relationships mainly because I'm an introvert and because I spent a number of years in a single relationship. That doesn't upset me, but I sometimes wonder if I'd had more time with the opposite sex I'd be more understanding of who they are.

    While I won't go into details about my relationships, one particular relationship makes me shake my head. It was a brief one, barely six months and entirely long-distance to boot. But most of all it was with someone I once hated and now hate even more.

    How could I date someone who treated me so badly? How could I date someone who used nearly every dirty trick in the book...a few even before we dated?! How could I have such low-esteem as to think "well if I don't date him I'll have no one in my life"?

    What was wrong with me?

    Theraphy helped but it didn't give me all the answers I wanted. I guess I might never have those answers. But what I do have is experience. Yes, after the way I was abused by him I have scars. I'm scared. I lack trust; I lack confidence. But what his abuse gave me besides that was a great "gift".

    I follow my instincts now.

    And so, wiser I'm able to enjoy a great relationship with a loving man (different relationship). We've both had to struggle through the pain, but in the end I know above all that no matter where our path leads, I never need fear him or who he may become.

    For sometimes the strongest part of love is friendship.


  1. Cogito
    Only sometimes?
    Ok, respect would compete with friendhip in importance.
  2. Lydia
    Respect IS a part of friendship. (IMO)
  3. Coldwriter
    Personally, commitment in so many ways to my now ex-girlfriend was the biggest expression of my love to her. It held both respect and friendship and much more. Freaking huge topic but honesty and communication are so valuable, no matter on what level you are involved in.

    Cosmos, a thought I had when reading "I follow my instincts now, a great gift" reminds me of how even though I went through so much pain through the break-up, the maturity gained from it has been a breakthrough, sending many idealist and naive thoughts to the back. In the end, it pointed me to narrowing down what I want and who I am. Through sorrow has come a sharper understanding of how I will connect with the woman I will some day marry.

    Just some thoughts of my own, since you were bold enough to share yours.
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