Lucky Gems

By Leaka · Jun 6, 2009 · ·
  1. A few days ago this girl showed me this really really pretty bracelet she had.
    She said it was really special to her and that it gave her good luck.
    It was a gift from her dead mother.
    Then just Tuesday she saw me and placed it on my wrist.
    She disappeared that day and for the whole dead I was wearing this pretty bracelet.
    It's really colorful with the little gems you buy at a crafts store. There is red and white.
    With some pretty metal balls.
    When I saw her dad taking her home, I went to go after her to give her her bracelet back because her mom gave it to me.
    All she did was smile at me, not even get out of the car.
    She closed the car door and blew a kiss at me.
    But now I have her bracelet.
    Don't I need to give it back?


  1. zorell
    Yeah;) You need to take it to her because you're making a friend:)
  2. Leaka
    Well this is the girl I have had a crush on ever since Freshman year of high school.
    We have our secret meetings and she even slipped a note in my backpack during Valentines week reading, "You're my number one."
  3. zorell
    the bracelet is a very good excuse to talk to her about something then, it's clear ya'll are already friends

    it's really nice that she's shy yet still pursuing you in her own way...don't let that slip away;)
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