Misguided Creative Juices

  1. Creative juices are a fickle thing. For me, 89% of the time they’re sweet, but for the remaining 11% they’re sour and full of pulp, yuck! However, what’s worse is that lately those juices have been filling the wrong glass.

    Alright, enough with the juice metaphors, what I’m saying is I have a writing issue. For the past couple of months I’ve found it far easier to continue writing a pointless fanfiction then to actually work on, optimistically, a future published novel.

    Fanfic’s are a guilty pleasure. I haven’t actually written a lot or even finished one, but they’re easy writing. The characters, settings, plot etc., are practically sitting in a box saying, ‘Pick me!’ and all you’ve got to do is play it out on a page. I won’t admit what TV show my fanfic is based on, only that it’s no longer running :(

    To be honest it’s coming along well and if I really wanted to I could finish it, expect that irks me. Like I said in the paragraph above, fanfic’s are easy writing because the structure is there; you know the characters and their world and how they react and live within it. The same could be said for my own work, I know my characters, where they are, why and what they’re supposed to be doing. So why is it easier to work on the useless fanfic? Why do I get more enjoyment for it then from working with my own true creation? I’m excited about my story, I can’t wait to see where it goes and yet it feels like a struggle to sit down and write about it. The creativity just isn’t flowing.

    It’s quite possible that I’ve fallen into my own, unintentionally laid, trap. Originally I’d wanted to use fanfic’s as a writing exercise, a way to figure out my style and flow. Now, though, I think my creative side has become ensnared and addicted to these prefabricated stories.

    I desperately want it to escape so I can imprison it within my novel and let it feel safe and addicted there. But how do I convince it to make that jump?

    Maybe I should finish the fanfic. Just get it done and pray I have enough juices to put back in the right glass. I hope I haven’t ruined my creative side, I love writing but the thought of being reduced to this uninspired form of writing scares me. There are stories I want to tell and once I get this pesky problem out the way, hopefully they’ll be told.


  1. mugen shiyo
    That's how I began writing as well. I never wrote a fanfic, but I loved the shows and books I read so much I wanted to emulate them.

    Maybe you should just stop writing fanfics. It will probably be really hard since you like it so much, but in time, you may begin to think of another story, other characters. Restricting your creative flow one way, eventually it will burst in another, right?

    try messing with the thought? maybe thinking...if the creator of your favorite show made another show and another story, what would it be?
  2. Midnight_Adventurer
    Hey mugen shiyo,

    Thanks for the advice. I'm not an avid fan of fanfictions so it won’t be hard to stop, however this particular one has been fun to write and as a consequence I've lost interest in the novel I would rather be writing. Like I said in my blog, I think my best bet is to finish the fanfic, forget about it and hope I can go back to my novel. Fingers crossed!
  3. mugen shiyo
    :) cool

    good luck, midnight
  4. Radrook
    I don't see anything really wrong with just writing fan fics if that's what you enjoy doing. In fact, the enjoyment is the motivator that keeps a writer going. If there is no enjoyment then shifting to a subject you really aren't too enthusiastic about can put a damper on your creativity.
    In short, write for yourself foremost. If both you and the reader like it then even better, But your liking it is the more important for sustaining your effort sufficiently to write an interesting novel.


    My son who is also a writer, is always reading Star-Trek fan-fics and I imagine he's an expert on the Star-Trek universe up to its finest details.

    I personally have never seriously considered writing a fan fic. But now that I see it is popular I might try my hand on it starting with a few short stories to test the waters.
  5. Midnight_Adventurer
    Hi Radrook!

    To some extent I do enjoy writing fanfic's, mostly because (like I've mentioned) everything is already created; the characters, their personalities, their whole world. So all you need to do is put them in a scenario and write, which is easy and fun. I've never actually finished a fanfic, but I have found them useful for developing my writing "voice".
    They are extremely popular, you should check out www.fanfiction.net, I'm sure you'll be surprised at the variety, I was ;)
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