My new Novel

By skeloboy_97 · Sep 25, 2011 · ·
  1. Hi,

    This novel that I started plotting out just today (very interesting idea, in my head anyway) is being planned out alot more than the others. With this, I hope to actually finish it, unlike others, and be happy with a good piece.

    For instance, I used to just jot a few plot points a chapter, and write from that. But now I tend to write maybe three quarters of a typed page of plotting, a virtually summarised version of the chapter. I will just go through and write everything down that happens in a writing style, rather than dot points.

    Another, more unorthodox method I do is write the first and last couple sentences of the chapter at the top and bottom of the summary, so I have something to move between.

    What do you do?


  1. Tesoro
    I have the same experience with outlines, for each story I write I seem to do a more thorough outline than with the previous, mapping out major plot events and turning points to have something to move towards, but still leaving enough room for creativity, which seem to work for me. I like outlines, they help me keep writing and never (or almost) get stuck. (but when i do at least it's not because I'm not sure how to move on, it's more self confidence issues :) I think what you do sounds great, it really is a good help knowing at least in which direction the story is going.
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