My weakest points.

By Kimi-chan · Jul 26, 2011 · ·
  1. One of my weakest points in writing is story development. It's like, I need to be told how to do it step by step. I can't just do it unorganized and know exactly what I am do.

    I know it seems kind of messed up but I just can't seem to find any other way to go through the process. It's always been the biggest challenge for me.

    I mean if I knew what should come first and then what came second... and whatever maybe I could work on one step for a while, take a break and let my brain settle, then go to the next step.

    It helps me because with anxiety, I get overstressed over and can't function. :(


  1. teacherayala
    Try charting the plotline out before you write--perhaps make boxes that summarize exactly what you want to happen in the plot within a given chapter. Decide about how many words you want in each chapter (for example, around 2,500 in each chapter) I like to use this method because sometimes I need to remind myself of my original plotline. Be aware, however, that after you end up writing something, you might realize that your original plotline needs rewriting or adjustment. Just adjust it as you go along! :)
  2. mugen shiyo
    I have exactly the same problem. I can think of everything else but the story, and in some ways I think it's better because it allows me to be more flexible and I can change or add things depending on what I think. But the problem is the story, if it doesn't have a definite direction, can fly out everywhere at once and become confusing or pointless.

    I can only give you the advice that I am using which is to think of the ending and the purpose. What are you trying to do with your story? Is it about making a point, telling a story; what is the purpose? When you know where everything is going, it helps you write toward that end and reigns you in a bit.
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