Name dropping

By ramedrake · Apr 20, 2011 · ·
  1. I have a big ongoing argument with my friend about this so would be interested in hearing what others have to say on the matter.

    I believe that adding the name of an existing person, historical, literary or otherwise can add weight to a piece of writing even if its fictional. This could be mentioning a band a character enjoys listening to, similarities to another person`s life or even basing the whole tale around them. I believe this is not limiting, because while it does seem to narrow the scope of what you`re doing a whole world can still be explored. My friend doesn`t see this and only notices the limitations. She thinks ficition should be independantly created without the restrictions using real people involves.

    I`d be really interested in what other people think.


  1. Cthulhu
    I think that you'll get a better response to this if it's a thread instead of a blog post.

    On the issue at hand though, I think that for minor roles a real person is fine, especially if it a historical novel where you need the character to interact with a real person [say a king] but it's not a good idea to treat historical figures the same as fictional characters, and it's also important you not use someone who is still alive of paint them in a bad light, [Example; if you need a corrupt politician or official DON'T use a real person]
  2. ramedrake
    Thanks for the feedback cthulhu, I'll try the threads in future.
    But why do you think its not a good idea to treat real characters the same as fictional ones? It's your story so can't you portray them how you like? Within reason of course, you can't portray Gandhi as a psycopath, but for the purpose of the story I think there should be some felxibility.
    Thanks again.
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