No more compulsory education

By GonzoCeltic · Jun 1, 2009 · ·
  1. I've always had sort of a nihilistic outlook on life. I never have liked being made to do things, yet I do accept the fact that you have to do things you're told by your parents, etc.

    In school, you can give me a book to read but I won't read it. I'll read what I want to read on my own terms. Reading should not be pointed as a chore -- reading should be thought of as a hobby. Forced reading is awful, and is why most people my age 'dislike' reading these days.

    I graduate from high school on June 12, but it wasn't anything near of an experience as being 'educating' should be. Nobody in school giving a crap about their work, teachers not giving a crap whether students cheated or not. It was all a bunch of crud. Thus why my grades were horrendous and hence why I'm going to a community college for a couple of years to rectify my GPA.


  1. zorell
    I dare say we have the same outlook on high school at just stated a few of the reasons I worked the system to escape a year early. I wish you luck and the hope that the "real world" is better than that incorrigible bubble they call standardized education.
  2. Time Glitch

    Couldn't agree more. I'm not a dumb cookie, but my grades speak otherwise. I've never given a **** about High School, neither have a lot of people I know.

    Community College, I will do better. When I want to, I always excell. I've just never wanted to =)
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