Non-Sequitur Blog Titles ATTACK

By Crazy Ivan · Jan 10, 2008 · ·
  1. So yeah, I have decided to put this blog on a weekly basis. On Thursdays. Because I like Thursdays, that's why.

    So what would happen if everyone who went to school and participated in the daily labyrinth of social rules that is the modern education system...just stopped caring? If girls gave up their gossiping and what shade of blue to paint their nails, and guys got rid of the macho posturing and constant need to center the universe around themselves?

    Argument 1: If we stopped this, then school would be a boring place where everyone just acted bland and nice to each other.
    Argument 2: If we stopped this, then everyone would be allowed to pursue their own styles, making school a much more wide and varied place.
    Argument 3: If we stopped this, we'd get rid of all the petty bickering, gossiping, rumors, teasing, etc. School would be changed for the better.
    Argument 4: If we stopped this, kids would feel free to tell other kids exactly what they thought of each other, as opposed to keeping quiet because they were too shy or afraid. It would be a nightmare- arguments and explosive conflicts everywhere. School would turn into one long fight.
    Argument 5: If we stopped this, the fashion industry would no longer exist. The world economy would plummet. It would be an international Great Depression. We would resort to cannibalism to survive. Only the cockroaches will endure.

    These are the things I think about during 5th period math class. It is my gift. It is my curse. I am Spider-man! (Or something.)

    Life note: My computer, previously imploded, has now been fixed again. Thanks to the grace of God (Or, if you are polytheistic, The God Of Hitting A Computer Till It Works Again, or if you are agnostic, a *mumblemumblemumble*, and that's as politically correct as I'm getting right now), all my files have been retrieved, including the story I was almost done with and certainly wouldn't have had the drive to start all over again. So, remember, kids: Back your files up! Or wind up like me (Seriously, that's a threat).

    Read this: Anything and everything by Terry Pratchett. Seriously.
    Listen to this: The Beatles. Because some of you haven't yet. (Their 1 CD is a good place to start.)
    See this: And Now For Something Completely Different.


  1. Ferret
    As I recall, Ivan, your're like, 14 or something. Middle school is so much more dramatic than high school is. Or, it was for me atleast.
    That said, I could be wrong and you could be a frosh, in which case you get a ferrety shunning.
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