On The Eternal (Language) Stream

By Hwaigon · Oct 9, 2014 · ·
  1. You might be wondering what the title means but be advised, it is derived with a certain logic, based on my personal observations of how language is acquired and how I personally acquire it with the all subjectivity involved.

    Of late, I've been having the feeling of being dragged into some kind of centre, core of things - language specifically - (as a result of being fairly constantly hooked on anything connected with English). The more I read, speak and write the more valid the metaphor is getting.

    I envision the commencement of language (or whatever) learning as the "outskirt" of a stream (outskirt of the field of knowledge), from which the learner is trying to cross-swim perpendicularly to get to the centre of the stream, it being the "eternal, complete, correct and absolute knowledge". (I've developed the idea of an eternal "knowledge stream" as in every field of knowledge there's a tendency to hoard more and more knowledge until its completeness is reached, a goal ultimately not accomplisheable).
    Again, with every article I read, every new word noted, expression or grammar structure actively use, I'm getting nearer to the centre.
    Now to be perfectly concrete: The "language centre" of the stream I'm referring to means for me the "not more and not less than needed, just about right, the golden mean". That is, I express myself flawlessly and clearly, I use apt words in my written discourse, I'm attentive and alert in speech, I strive for perfection.
    (Obviously a life-long commitment).

    Using the "cross-swimming" metaphor, it is imperative that I do not "overswim" my target, that is, the middle stream, the ideal of "just right", since I might as well end up on the other outskirt of the river, and if the initial outskirt means the lack of knowledge (blank slate), will or grit, the other side means enslavement by talent (I was advised by a seasoned priest, who had seen a lot the world has to offer, to take heed of falling into the trap of intellectual snobbism that results from what I now call "overswimming" the middle current).
    It thus follows that it is almost inconceivably difficult to steer for the middle, the closer you get, the more attentive, alert and - most of all - humble you have to be not to get set adrift. Once being in the middle of the current, the goal is accomplished and re-accomplished almost infinitely.

    Haruki Murakami said principally the same in one of his interviews:

    "Position yourself in the middle (i.e. don't stand out too much), take good care of yourself - and work extremely hard."

    Now you might consider this a bit far-fetched but in my view the following small step to calling this middle stream, "just-about-right" eternality God, is but a logical consequence.
    Let me give you an example to explain why I'm mentioning a religious view: The Parable of the Talents in Mathew 25: 14-30 speaks of servants receiving a number of talents, from few to many, equally to their abilities. The one who gets 10 exploits 10, the one who gets 5 exploits 5, even the one with as few as 2 talents exploits them. Translation: For every one of them the "middle current" was elsewhere, according to the talents' owner's nature. But the one who got 1 spared that talent, squandered it, we might say, making himself get stuck on the outskirt of the river. Except for the last owner, all of them headed for the centre of the stream, for the ideal. The ideal could also be substitued for the word "truth".
    Again I'm going back to the beginning: It's difficult to assess one's talents, whether they are 10 or just 2 or 1, as is it difficult to position oneself in the middle of the current. To me, these two theses are interchangeable.

    To present my final implication, by heading for the golden, ideal middle in language learning, acquisition and usage, I'm in a way steering in God's course, the more so, since the very talent I dispose of, namely language, comes from God, as do all the means that I use for its acquisition. It is thus at hand to say my language is a steering wheel to help me find God and of such nature should be any talent of every man on this planet, namely to help man seek and find God.

    The above is merely my opinion, observation, not exhortation or proselytizing. And yes, it is difficult for me to exclude God from my reasoning, since the mindpaths of my rationale usually end in Him.


  1. Okon
    Don't take this the wrong way because I don't mean to antagonize your opinion for the heck of it. I just want to add some thoughts that you might consider at some point or other:

    You can complete an mathematical equation flawlessly, because you will reach the same conclusion each time. However, language is far, far, different. There's hardly ever a 'right' answer, a lot of it centres on style. That style will be loved by some and hated by others, be the opinions amongst English Professors and those for which it is a second language, because the audience decides what the 'right' answer is, and you cannot cater to every audience.

    For instance, the word in your last paragraph: "proselytizing." Since the purpose of English is to communicate, is the message successful if the word isn't commonly known?

    I think the best language knows its audience, and is only the best for that audience. Maybe you should ask yourself what your audience is? It might help you find your own centre. Do you write for the Joes or intense academics? Young, middle, or old? Those who like brief bullet-points or roundabout cleverness? Those seeking primarily entertainment or knowledge? A legal document has a very different audience than a Stephen King book. Neither are wrong, just different.

    Just some thoughts.
  2. Hwaigon
    First off, thank you for commenting.

    "There's hardly ever a 'right' answer, a lot of it centres on style."

    Yes, of course, throughout the text I was referring rather to the subjective perception of a correct and appropriate language. Objectively speaking its correctness may shift. That some will love the style and some hate it makes the rightness relative, that is true. Although I think general truth and correctness can be arrived at.

    Your following point is also interesting - and in accord with what I'm saying above - that one should alter their text to the needs of the target reader (audience) - if one decides on the kind of audience - to a certain extent, not at expense of the message communicated. But I think it's not the primary goal; I just write what I write and choose what I think is appropriate style and the audience will or will not seek my text on their own accord. However, if I intend to write children's literature, I must consider the target reader, no doubt. I agree with that. Pardon me if I seem to be going in circles, but this consideration also corresponds with the "just right" path, The Parable of Talents (not sure if you got my message on that one...)
    I admit King's readers are different to the readers of legal documents and don't see any reason why I shouldn't.

    I think the topic I presented is quite theoretical (theological), so the audience might probably be academic.
    I get your point on my use of the word, but then again it's not my problem if the reader does not know it, as the very topic suggests a certain difficulty of the text; I certainly did not tag it "A fairy tale of a stubborn river stream" or something like that. Should I have done it, I would have re-considered my use of words and would probably not have used that one.
    And lastly, I addressed those readers who understand what I'm saying, which has worked with you (or so I assume).
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