Pertaining to the narcissistic tendencies of writers

By suhailp · Apr 18, 2012 · ·
  1. How many are more concerned with their own writing, how it may be perceived by others? Do a majority of us truly come here to gain insight into writing? Or merely to share our creations? Stroke our ever inflating ego's? Perhaps even pertain to some ideal that perhaps we are intelligent, and seek confirmation of this fact?

    Listen, I'm not trying to get all preachy on y'all, because even I admittedly don't take enough interest in other peoples work, and have those narcissistic qualities highlighted above.

    But, I understand and appreciate, that "in the last analysis, everyone is a human being", and so we are all capable of greatness, while we may not necessarily achieve it in our lives.

    In a similar manner, I don't think one can truly critique art - we all have this innate ability to create this entity, which is essentially an open concept. Always changing in the collaborative eyes of society, and while you may have personal preferences to what you find "pleasurable" art, this is of course your prerogative as a living, thinking, free human being.

    But, I think this writing forum should be less about critiquing the parts you don't like, but highlighting how something is good, and has this intangible, indefinable "value". For if we are to define literature, as essentially art, then what is its purpose? How do we as human beings, derive pleasure from its inception and creation? I think this is an almost impossible answer to formulate, for if we were to ask everyone on this forum, I'm sure the answers would be unique to every individual queried.

    In this regard, I suppose we refrain from critiquing, and focus more on understanding each others work, highlighting strengths, and seeing the stories behind these individual works of art, many of which, along my own that is, are destined to be lost in the great abyss of time. Let's give each others work the value and time it deserves, for however brief it may be, and however little contribution we may give.

    I'm not really sure if my argument is particularly coherent, so please feel free to refute below in the comments section.


  1. mugen shiyo
    I think we all know we are narcissists. Writers, by nature, have ideas or viewpoints they want to share with the world. I came here with the express intent of wanting people to read and comment on anything I posted. Now I just write and don't really care one way or another. But I do take a look at other peoples work mostly because I like looking at different peoples viewpoints through their writing. Even though it is not scholarship worthy, I appreciate the bare-bones of it. Something right from the mind and not sculpted for popular acceptance.

    About the critiquing of art, you are absolutely right. It's how I felt when I first submitted my work for review. Art can't be critiqued...unless you are looking for it to be accepted by another person. Art is personal expression, but when you want it appreciated by more than yourself, you have to edit, mold, or structure your writing to appeal to the people you are writing for. While you may be writing or crafting your hearts trues dream out, while that vision might be unimpeachable to you no one else will care if they can't relate. That was one of the harder lessons I had to learn when starting to write. That my readers don't have to cater to my writing, my writing must cater to my readers. And because of that, there will definitely be a little sacrifice on the part of your personal vision.

    As for how a person critiques...I have felt that most critiques that outline the bad parts are the best kinds. Praise me and I learn nothing, but show me my faults and I can always improve. I don't like the critiques that are really cloaked jabs, attempts to make a joke, really short, curt ones that seem to insult or offer no constructive feedback, or just plain fake or shallow replies.

    What seems sad, sometimes, is to see on a writing site a person who writes something, posts it to be reviewed, and gets zero replies. For a writing site dedicated to helping everyone I would have at least expected the moderators to chip in and offer replies of their own at that point. But when I had some time to think on that, I realized that wouldn't be doing them any favors in the long run. As a writer, part of our work is going to be selling our writing. If we can't attract viewers we need to work on a way to do so. And if the work has zero replies, that IS a critique in itself.

    Even after all this, though, I don't think I'll ever lose my ego ;)
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