Porno in disguise

By Wreybies · Oct 2, 2010 · ·
  1. As I was responding to the latest “I :love: Harry Potter” thread (they spawn like rabbits, these threads) I began to ponder why it was that while I enjoy stories like the Potter series, I don’t respect them the way I respect other works. I came to a conclusion.

    It’s porn.

    Now, bear with me. I have a theory that lots of media is actually porn in disguise. The fact that there is no sex, cheesy music, and horrific boob jobs/handlebar mustaches makes no difference. It is porn. I mean, do I need to really explain why the last ten years of ‘reality TV’ is actually network sanctioned porn? Really? Porn, porn, porn. “Let’s have a look into these ‘lives’ and all get our jollies and then text & twitter about it tomorrow. And just in case some of you are not getting the idea that this is sanctioned porn, we’ll throw in the occasional gratuitous boobie or wing-ding shot to make it clear.”


    Harry Potter is porn. *I can hear you all gasping and clutching your Rowling tome to your chest in indignation*

    It’s porn. It is a fantasy substitute reality. It’s purpose is not to talk to us or teach us or invite us to question the human condition or paradigm. It exists to replace our dowdy lives and let us believe for a bit that we have magic powers, go to an awesome school, have amazing friends, fight the baddies, crack rye jokes that are ever so brilliant, and wait… is that a wand I see? Yeah, no symbolism there. *Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more!*

    Every HP book even gives us a preamble to get us in the mood. It pictures the protag in his dowdy, everyday, real life which is tedious to tears. And then… PING!! In pops some magic person, or car, or somethingorother to whisk him away to his ‘real life’ where he is the very fount of awesomeness, where he is ‘the chosen one.’


    For those of you who think I am ruthlessly and meanly picking on your beloved story, allow me to mention that lots of franchises are in fact porn. One of my very favorites is porn to the hilt.


    The Ripley story is only missing the bow-chica-wow-wow music. In the last installment in which she actually appears there is a scene where the Alien is taking her away to its love nest and is holding her like a lover. While it is carrying her she caresses it in a way that crosses some very disturbing wires. The next scene has The Winona and some random dude staring down at her as she is swallowed by a heaving, moistly glistening, pile of indeterminately numbered Alien soldiers.

    I mean… Hello! Let’s be real and not pretend and call it what it was: an orgy.

    And that is just the most explicit of the scenes. The creatures have a need of their human hosts that is carnal and most intimate. Porn. They want to ‘penetrate’ and impregnate their human partners. And then there is the entire, “Here is my $8, sir, that I might spend the next two hours having the crap scared out of me,” factor. Porn.

    It’s porn. It doesn’t enlighten. It doesn’t make me ask questions. It artificially fulfills a need that I am not otherwise getting in a natural way in my life. It is purpose-built to titillate certain base, madula oblongota, functions/reactions.



  1. Ashleigh
    Isn't all literature porn?
  2. hiddennovelist
    This could be a record for the number of times "porn" was used in one blog post. ;)
  3. Banzai
    This was fantastic, Wrey!
  4. Jepie
    I enjoyed your post! I have to say I agree with your sentiments.

    Not all literature is porn. For a written work to be considered "porn" I believe, it has to leave you feeling good/happy and not beg any questions of the human existence. I love Harry Potter and read it because simply, it was fun.

    There are other books I have read that weren't "fun" reads and didn't necessarily leave you with a happy feeling. These books made me question my beliefs and delve into my own life, my being for some introspection. Books such as this would not be considered porn. In my opinion, anyhow. :)
  5. Joanna the Mad
    Hahaha, I laughed real hard reading this, thank you Wreybies.

    But I do enjoy a nice, long, intense Harry Potter orgasm.
  6. Ashleigh
    See, I'd say all literature is porn, because, like porn, there's something for everyone. What excites one person may not excite another, but the feeling's still there.

    I tried reading the first Harry Potter book a few times, and got rather bored. I guess, for me, Harry Potter is a bit "vanilla". ;)
  7. Mallory
    While I like the Harry Potter books, I'll admit that Harry is a Mary Sue for sure. And I can see your points, but that's kind of why I like it, lol.

    Twilight on the other hand...**Shudder with disgust**
  8. Joanna the Mad
    Mmm.. I wouldn't agree, Ashleigh. I think there's hardly any porn for women. Never came across of any porn I really enjoyed, anyway. It's all very woman-unfriendly and sexist.

    But back to the metaphor. I'd say Harry Potter is porn and good literature is sex.
  9. Joanna the Mad
    And Twilight is non-Belgian chocolate. ^^
  10. art
    The fact that there is no sex, cheesy music, and horrific boob jobs/handlebar mustaches makes no difference

    Wreybies there, desperately trying to imply that he has little acquaintance with modern porn by evoking the aged stereotype that is known by all...:)

    Reading Potter and watching porn? Both things a mature, properly functioning adult should have little time for.
  11. w176
    Well. I love writers that dare to address basic human needs and instinct, I love porn, no matter if it sex-porn, escapism-porn, scary-porn or violence-porn. And one important way to understand ones need is to dare to describe them and immense in them in non destructive ways. but thats besides the point.

    The thing is, both you examples do ask a lot of questions. One of the main themes is Harry Potter is communication between friends, and if you in the age group the book aims at that is one of you life mayor issues most likely.

    And Ailen got loads of good themes. Helplessness. Being violated. How people handle the pressure. Fear and greed as motivators. The fear of the ailien, what diffrent from us, the dark, the unkown. And its a brilliant movie gender wise, with characters originally written gender neutral.

    There are loads of themes and questions in both works, and the strong emotional approach (the longing for friends and family and escapism, fear, violence, sex etc) is an excellent to engage the readers/viewers and make them invested in the questions the works pose.
  12. DaWalrus
    If all forms of escapism evaporated right now, that would kill us a little slower than a nuclear holocaust. Hey, that would probably cause one.

    On a semi-related note, some smart-arse in California Congress has proposed to outlaw smoking in state prisons.
    As an ex-smoker, I can say that deprivation of your favorite pacifier makes you quite irritable. I'd imagine the guards wouldn't be happy at all, being badly outnumbered by the inmates.

    PS. Just remembered: one of my favorite columninsts compared spectator sports to porn.
  13. HorusEye
    Well, I'd use the word "gratification" for HP, since pornography literally means harlots + graphical and leans more towards voyeurism with an expectation of a shock factor. i.e. thrills.

    Harry Potter has no shock factor but is rather instantly gratifying, like a fast food meal. There's no nourishment in it, but it leaves you passive and blissful for a while.
  14. Wreybies
    That's just my point. Porn does not literally mean harlots + graphical. That is an artificial boundary we have ascribed to the word. It's like saying that alcohol is not a drug because "it's allowed." Alcohol is a drug and HP is porn. The problem is that if we look at it for what it really is, then we either have to rethink our opinion of porn, or we have to decide to feel ookie about HP. Not an easy choice.
  15. HorusEye
    Well, that was the dictionary definition of pornography. It's very distinct in what it refers to, while falling into a wider group of gratifications.
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