Procrascination sucks

By Daggers · Apr 12, 2011 · ·
  1. Okay so I have to write a speech.

    It's not a big speech...5 front of my relatively small class...with question and answer at the end...

    ...In Japanese...

    The topic is Why I chose to study Japanese, what my thoughts were of it before and after etc. etc.


    I can barely write that in English let alone my second language!
    I honestly have no idea why I am doing what I'm doing. I've been seriously re-evaluating the choices I've made in the last few years. It's not that I don't like what I study, I love it actually. I just wish I'd taken some time out between school and University.

    Anyway, I have to do this speech on Thursday, it's assessed so it will be marked and it will count as part of my grade for the module. I'm running out of time to do it but I can't find the motivation to do it! I keep thinking "oh i'll stick a film on and get it done while watching that" or "Ok once I tidy up a bit and do my laundry I will sit down and do it" or "oh let's go to the shop and buy some snacks for while I'm doing my speech!"



  1. Jayyy1014
    Eh i agree's speeches aren't fun.. I've never been one to write a speech... But good luck with it
  2. Eunoia
    I hate speeches. But with every university assessment, I always seem to leave it to the last minute. So don't worry about procrastinating, as long as you get it done. :p
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