sleep deprivation

By bubblegirl101 · Feb 28, 2011 · ·
  1. without sleep i just cannot function and i shake uncontrollably but no matter how i try i just cant sleep im relaxed but my body wont shut down oh what will i do? Me eyes are bugging out of my head and I look like a inhuman creature.My palms are sweaty and so are my feet ewww! i cant handle this i need sleep!


  1. Mallory
    I know what insomnia and anxiety is like! I'm dealing with it right now and last night was so bad I got one hour of sleep and had a terrible headache all day long....
  2. bubblegirl101
    yeah its hard to deal with.
  3. bubblegirl101
    i feel for you.
  4. Mallory
    Yeah it is. Although things have been better the past few days. :)

    Are you a college student? high school? stressed about school or something? or is it something worse? you okay?
  5. bubblegirl101
    high school student im just stressed about school and family issues and i guess im okay.
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