Somewhere in America...

By Wreybies · Dec 12, 2016 · ·
  1. "Merry Christmas," said Jane with a bright smile, passing Tom in the office hallway.

    "Thanks, Jane. Happy holidays to you and yours," replied Tom with equal cheer.

    Three steps later, Jane began to mull Tom's response. She had said "Merry Christmas", so why didn't Tom say the same thing back? Does he not like Christmas? Is there a problem with saying Merry Christmas? Jane glanced around, suddenly concerned. Is my religion a problem at the office now, she thought to herself. Am I not allowed to say Merry Christmas? Will I get fired? That's crazy. I shouldn't get fired for saying Merry Christmas. No one should. I can't believe they fire people here for saying Merry Christmas. My rights are are totally being taken from me. These people are crushing me. Jane started to cry in genuine fear for her job. She tapped on the office door of her friend, Peter.

    "Come in," came the response from Peter's office.

    "Peter, you won't believe what just happened to me in the hallway. There IS a war!"


  1. matwoolf
    'Happy holidays' is [probably] offensively corporate in the UK - where our company Christmas card read 'Season's Greeting,'
      Oscar Leigh and Wreybies like this.
  2. Simpson17866
    I'm a Christian, and Pharisees like Jane scare me :(

    And now they're in charge. We need to get more stories like this published.
      Wreybies and Oscar Leigh like this.
  3. Oscar Leigh
    Honestly I'm so sick of Christians who think not being given special notice is discrimination. Especially since it comes from those more likely to not tolerate gays= actual discrimation The party I support here the Greens has tried to pass bills to remove the lord's prayer from parliament sessions but Christians seem to think they need this special recognition because of their historical and continuing majority and power. But that's precisely why it's insulting to every other religion and the non-religious. Because it's basically "haha, remember how we're more powerful than you?" Secularity isn't disrespectful to religions it is simply respectful to all of them.
      Simpson17866 and Wreybies like this.
  4. Kinzvlle
    What`s always amused me about the war on Christmas, is how people of different faiths or no faith got along just fine for years when they were told Merry Christmas, but Happy Holidays is such a horrible thing. It`s petty really, if christ is the reason for the season then celebrate that, rather then over thinking a comment a coworker made in passing or why a Jewish ceo didn`t put the word Christmas on a cup you threw out anyways.

    Also Simpsons comment makes me want to note that not all Christians are like this. The one`s that are just sadly the most vocal, as these things tend to normally go.
  5. Oscar Leigh
    @Simpson17866 I presume you mean the new Trump GOP administration when you say in charge? Yes, that' s the silly disappointing thing. Trump was a GOP moderate on gay rights. Didn't even disagree with gay marriage until he needed more religious votes and GOP support. But his incoming cabinet has Family Research Council donors in it. A group that smears homosexuality with pseudoscience about "dangerous" effects on adopted children, exaggerating the AIDS trend and using it as a political weapon, claiming it's a choice and unnatural, etc. And there's Mike Pence. Any gay people that voted Trump expecting an LGBT friendly republican will be disappointed by what his new friends will be doing... :oops:
      Simpson17866 likes this.
  6. ChaosReigns
    people like Jane in this worry me, as if i so much as mention that some of the things done in Christmas were borrowed from paganism, they'd have a heart attack or try to defend their rights. (in which case, i'd try to say that i'm not taking their rights away, i'm just educating them on some of the origins of some parts that Christians use)
  7. antlad
    I think you captured the (silly) fears most hold close to themselves.
    For years I have tried to explain to people that this exact thing is what fuels most crap in our world (a stupid paragraph playing out in one's mind).
    I am always more important than you. Perfectly done in a single paragraph. Bravo.
      Oscar Leigh likes this.
  8. Catrin Lewis
    Of course, one could also write a vignette where Jane gives Tom a cheery "Merry Christmas!" and he runs to Peter crying that she's trying to cram her religion down his throat.

    Seems to me there's enough worrywartism to go around on all sides.
      Oscar Leigh and matwoolf like this.
  9. Oscar Leigh
    Which is why both are acceptable. One is an acknowledgement of multiple religions, one is an expression of one's own religion or of the cultural tradition.
      Simpson17866 likes this.
  10. matwoolf
    'Happy Holidays' was originally an American expression - that has not translated well; seen as a parody of the seasonal greeting - I tried to say earlier. A mean-fisted, hateful euphemism, reeks of corporate ill-will, plastic coffee, Starbuck & Apple & every nobody, and is the cowardly emphatic invisible fluff.

    Tho' other posters see it as enlightened, modern symbol of atheist pride - so I'm happy to embrace modernity...if that is the way..

    Happy Holidays & may Christ bless every infant, man and sinner this holy God Sunday.
      Oscar Leigh likes this.
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