Starting out is NOT FUN! :X

By burned_out · Apr 5, 2009 · ·
  1. Aaaaaarh, I don't know what else to write after this...

    “No...No Mark, please don’t hurt me…” I sobbed, dragging my bleeding body across the linoleum. His expression wasn’t changing.

    “Well Marie, if you didn’t want me to hurt you, then you should have given me what I wanted. What I deserve.” He _________, an awful sound compared to the deep, caring voice I had gotten so used to. I whimpered and backed myself up against the wall. My bloody back stained the pristine white wall red.

    “Mark….MARK!” I screamed in terror as he raised the bat over his head. It swung down--

    Then I woke up. I was covered in sweat, and breathing heavy. Sitting up, I looked around quickly. My alarm clock told me it was 5:43 AM. I was in my own bed, in my own room, safe. Safe. The word reverberated through my head softly, putting my fears to rest. I ran my hands over my arms, feeling the goose bumps that had risen, and tried to shake the feeling of being watched. Pulling my knees to my chest, I realized it was almost time for me to get up.


  1. zorell
    I am unsure if you want a sugestion like "What was the dream about?" or "Does she know Mark in reality?" or if you want someone to share where he or she would go given this start.

    Those questions are my suggestions, but this paragraph/excerpt would be my next step:

    Gina saw my expression as I made my way from my bedroom to the bathroom. She gently grabbed my shoulder and turned me to get a better look, "Did you have a bad dream girl? You look like you've been fighting the devil."

    "It's, it's nothing, just dreaming about him again."

    "I thought therapy helped with that?"

    I tried to fake a smile as I brushed her hand from my shoulder and continued into the bathroom, "I have to get to clas." I undressed and stepped into the shower. The water soothed me as it ran down the scars running along my back.
  2. LordKyleOfEarth
    Write the next paragraph, silly!
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