Sweet! I have a Blog!

By dushechka · Sep 24, 2007 · ·
  1. I've been known to write.. a lot. Random pointless thoughts that only make sense to me.

    I have a Myspace Blog, Xanga, Wordpress, and a few others, though I haven't used them in a few years.

    Suffice to say, this will be used as a random escape and / or copy paste sort of thing...

    Anyway, with that weird.. thing.. out of the way, I'll continue my spew of random things-

    Quotes speak mountains when your words are seas.

    If you understood that, be my bosom friend. :rolleyes:


  1. Bick
    I'm using it for the same thing :p It's a rather lovely addition to an all ready lovely forum.
  2. Daniel
    Random things are perfectly fine. I look forward to reading some entries. :p
  3. Torana
    A really good friend of mine used to say that all the time actually.
  4. Stinger
    Me too.
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