The Acorns of Wrath

By SayWhatNow? · Nov 5, 2009 · ·
  1. Me, being my inquistive, semi-retarted self, decided to go through the trouble of cracking open an acorn found in the school grassy area. Upon doing so, I scraped off the second layer and proceeded to eat it one four bites.

    Holy crap.

    I think I discovered a new drug, because that thing made me freaking high for half an hour.
    I felt disoriented, stupid, and laughed for absolutely no reason.

    So, just a lesson for you all: never eat acorns four times the size of a normal one. You WILL become high.

    Not to mention, it tastes terrible.

    I ate four :p


  1. jonathan hernandez13
    Im going looking for an acorn right now!:p

    Maybe that's what makes squirrels so fast:rolleyes:
  2. Marshmallow
    Hmmm...nutmeg produces an intoxication similar to marijuana, but I have never heard of acorns before. I do know that acorns make it difficult for your body to digest proteins, so I wouldn't eat to many more if I were you...
  3. breakingwave
    No wonder when we look at our back yard, we think the squirrels are on something...they are !
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