The Great Scam: New Years Resolutions

By Irish87 · Jan 6, 2010 · ·
  1. At the risk of offending those who have made them, I must admit that I believe New Years Resolutions to be the very epitome of denial. If nothing else I justify it as being such because we wait until New Years to make these personal demands. If it were so important than we would have done it immediately. Instead, we put it off and when New Years hits we declare it from the highest rooftop. Two weeks later we've broken our promise to ourselves...

    Important moments and changes in life come not from a calendar change, but rather from a cathartic moment which floods your mind with a realization of what needs to be done. If your house burned down would you wait until New Years to find a new place to live? If you broke your arm would you wait until New Years to get it fixed? Yes, yes, I know, those are all important things. So then your New Years resolution isn't?

    We say that we're going to lose weight, that we're going to stop drinking or stop eating something bad for us. We declare we will start exercising or that we'll no longer cheat on our spouses or lie in general. We inform our friends we're going to finish that novel, we're going back to school, we're getting a raise at work and a promotion maybe. So don't tell me none of that is as important as anything else in life. In truth, all of those things are incredibly important. Nevertheless, if they mattered to us then we would have done them already.

    I view this in the same light as praying. So many people that I know, the ones who are religious that is, pray to their God as though they're speaking with Santa Claus. They have a nice long list of demands, including such absurd luxuries as good luck. Hell, I knew somebody once who told me that he asked God to let him do better on an exam of his... THE BABY JESUS IS NOT SANTA CLAUS!

    Sorry, I shouldn't yell. I'm not even religious.

    It infuriates me that we refuse to better ourselves on our own. Instead, we need the mystical help of Santa Jesus or the magical auto-catharsis that is New Years. I understand why people may disagree with me on this, in fairness anything that helps people better themselves is good. Right? Well, sure, I guess, but it is apparently not very important to them. I always go back to my opinion that if it was important than you would have done it before. You don't need January 1st to remind you to stop drinking in front of your kids. You don't need January 1st to remind you that Taco Bell is unhealthy, that you shouldn't drive while under the influence of narcotics, or that you should probably avoid beating up homeless people in the middle of the night.

    Being confident, being proud of who you are, and always putting the important things on your to-do list is what makes us humans so damn special. If we refuse to find inspiration in making our lives better, then New Years isn't going to save us from the hell we're creating for ourselves.


    P.S.: Sorry if you were offended.


  1. Unsavory
    I agree with you on pretty much every point. I guess if making a New Years resolution actually works for someone then it's doing more good than harm. But by their very nature, New Years resolutions are self-defeating because they're allowing you to put something off that you could do today. That's really all that New Years is good for. It's an excuse to wait, and thus an excuse to justify a complete lack of willpower over ones own shortcomings.

    I laughed at the Santa-Jesus line, mostly because it's also very true. I find it incredibly selfish and even disrespectful to use faith in an attempt to get stuff. I also get annoyed when anyone publicly thanks God for their ability to score touchdowns or record best-selling albums. Why the bloody hell would God spend any time at all helping some random shmuck become absurdly wealthy? The only logical reason I can come to is that rock stars and football players are absolutely the best people in the world in every conceivable way. Much better than starving children at least.
  2. Coldwriter
    I made a "resolution" two months before the new year. That way, if I was still doing it by the time 2010 hit, I'd have a chance at a successful endeavor.
  3. Agreen
    You made some good points, and I agree about New Years resolutions in general. I just see self-improvement as an on-going process, not something you decide to start and end at some arbitrary date.

    For your points on praying, you might like George Carlin's famous sketch on religion, it's the first thing I thought of while I was reading this.
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