The Introvert's Rant

By Imaginarily · Dec 27, 2015 · ·
  1. I did rant here.

    Then I deleted it, because it sounded so petty.

    Thank you, society, for shaming introverts to the point where we feel fucking petty for trying to stand up for our needs.


    I'll be home late tomorrow.
    Corbyn likes this.


  1. Corbyn
    Don't feel petty for being who you are, introvert or not.
      Imaginarily likes this.
  2. GuardianWynn
    :cry: I am an introvert too. I know your pain.

    Someone once said this too me. "What is wrong with you. You have no life. You don't do drugs or smoke weed or drink alchol."

    I gasped and went. "You are saying it is bad that I don't do those things?"

    They replied. "Kind of... life is meant to be lived. All you do is write. You are wasting your life."

    As I said. I feel your pain.

    HUGS?!!! :D I hope you feel better.
  3. Link the Writer
    We ought to write a book that satirized and parodies extroverts as vampire zombies and one of them is a hunk of a man with a shocking red Ferrari who wants to try and rescue the poor (human) introvert, but the introvert is actually perfectly cool being alone. I'm gonna title it Holding For A Hero and hope Bonnie Tyler doesn't sue me.
  4. Corbyn
    Vampire zombies...... That's a pretty good way to look at extroverts. They need attention to feel like they're living, and often feed off other people's emotions. Never thought of it that way...thanks Link.
      Link the Writer likes this.
  5. Aidan Stern
    There is a book Quiet, by Susan Cain. I haven't read it yet, but I'd like to.

    I am such an introvert, it may be considered unhealthy. ;)

    "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking is a 2012 non-fiction book written by Susan Cain. Cain argues that modern Western culture misunderstands and undervalues the traits and capabilities of introverted people, leading to "a colossal waste of talent, energy, and happiness."
    Taken from Wikipedia.
      Imaginarily and Link the Writer like this.
  6. Doctore
    People are fucking stupid and say/do fucking stupid shit, ignore them, vent if you will, but don't let them change you.
      Link the Writer likes this.
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