The Molesting Hug

By OverEasy · Jul 27, 2008 · ·
  1. Have you ever had someone hug you and after the hug is over and done with you almost want to check and make sure all of your clothes are still on? Possibly after said hug you feel the sudden urge to bathe, it is sometimes the natural reaction. Has a hug ever gone on far past the time that it should have? To the point where you do the awkward two pats on the back, and the person still doesn’t release you.

    This is what we fondly call “The Molesting Hug” in my family. My aunt is a big fan of the molesting hug, especially when it comes to my friends of the male variety. I feel terrible when I see that pleading look in their eyes as they seek me out for help. There isn’t a whole lot that I can do for them in that situation though.

    This is generally how “The Molesting Hug” starts. Someone (generally someone that you do not wish to hug) will wrap their arms around you, and then instead of letting go after the normal few seconds, they cling to you like glue. Now with a lover or a particularly good friend, the overly long hug is acceptable, especially if you haven’t seen that person for a long period of time. However with anyone else, the normal few seconds is the only acceptable hug. Not only do they not let you go, they also get way to close for it to even be considered a hug any longer. Now it is some creepy pre sex ritual that you can’t get out of. Then they rub their hands up and down your back, not in the sweet comforting way, but in the creepy you’re going to get raped way.

    Then sometimes, and this is only a sometimes, they will whisper something beyond weird in your ear. If the whisper does happen, which is not a guarantee, then you will not be looked down upon for pushing said “molesting hugger” away forcefully. If it takes more force than just a push, you have yourself a stalker.

    Wisdom of Tiffany.
    Aka OverEasy


  1. Torana
    these hugs I know ALL TOO WELL! THey are so uncomfortable and intrusive. I had this one guy hug me like that and I ended up raising my knee and sending him to the ground. I'm not a huggy person. I hug two of my friends, they are my best friends and I've known them for years. I hug my children, because they are my children and I love them. But I hate hugging other people.

    My family all hug like this and <cringes> it makes my skin crawl. My ex's family was the same. It really made me hate being hugged with an undying passion. I think that it is always worse when it is someone of the opposite sex hugs you like this. (and just really disturbing when someone of the same sex hugs you like this)
  2. chad.sims2
    LOL So true!
  3. soujiroseta
    lol...ive heard one or two of my female friends complain about this.
  4. Shadow Dragon
    I can gladly say I've never recieved a "molesting hug", and I hope that it stays that way. :)
  5. OverEasy
    Hahaha lucky you.
  6. Daisy
    In my neck of the woods, hugging is considered the proper greeting for people you know and haven't seen in a while, and the usual two second hug doesn't bother me at all, male or female, but I've definitely had these molesting hugs, usually from older men who will hug you so tight you can't breathe and they don't seem to want to let go even when you try to back away. Last week, after one of these hugs, I could smell the man's reeking cologne all over my clothes the rest of the day. I couldn't wait to get home and disinfect. If I see him again, I'm running the other way.
  7. Wreybies
    Eeeewwwww! That's the worst. I'm a fellah who likes fellahs, and this happens in our community as well. On the rare occasion I choose to go to the club, there is the usual ritual of making the rounds and saying hello to everyone (it's a gay thing.) There is always that guy who gives that hug, and I feel like I've just been passed over by a giant garden slug. Yuck!
  8. OverEasy
    Hahaha I too have been in my fair share of gay clubs, and know the guy of which you speak. I have no issues with hugs in general, just this particular hug.
  9. Mousie
    My grandma's the queen of these "molesting hugs". It drives me crazy! I know she's just a crazy old lady who's happy to see her grandkids from the other side of the country, but geez!

    I always pretend to cough or sneeze to get out of it. It actually works pretty good.
  10. Siegfried
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