The Pagans are coming!

By Shadow Dragon · Jun 13, 2009 · ·
  1. There are certain people here in America's government that you can always count on saying idiotic things. There's even an elite among these people, such as good ol' Newt Gingrich. A man that can give his wife divorce papers while she's in the hospital with cancer and then give a speech on family values. Now lets get to a more recent quote of his, from a talk he gave in Rock Church in Virginia:

    "I think this is one of the most critical moments in American history," Gingrich said. "We are living in a period where we are surrounded by paganism."


    Oh dear Goddess no, not the Pagans. Come on, seriously? At most there are only like a million and a half, maybe two million of us. I don't know about any other Pagan out there, but I didn't get the memo to start surrounding the U.S. Plus, since I live in the U.S, I kinda like having not surrounded and I'm pretty sure the other Pagans in the country will also like not being sorrounded.

    I this point I feel sorry for conservatives. The republican party is supposed to be their party. For any of you conservatives out there reading this, when two of their top people (Mike Hukabee was also there and didn't disagree with Newt's statement) of your party are warning you of a Pagan threat, maybe it's time for you to give up on the republicans and create a new conservative part. One that would fight for conservative values like I don't know; states' rights, individual freedoms, and not involving the U.S. in international matters unless it's required... you know, things that the top republicans seem to have forgotten about a long time ago. Just some friendly advice.


  1. lordofhats
    Point One: When a Christian says Pagan, they very well might mean all followers of non-Abrahamic religions or non-Christians (I've seen it go both ways). In that sense, he is technically sort of right, but it's not like the "pagans" are actually laying siege against us so I don't see why we need a "warning." I sort of feel more like we're being ignored more and more as time goes on, which is fine with me -_-.

    Point Two: Brilliant statement about the Republican party. I totally agree. They probably wonder why they lost the last election big and all I have to say is "Image matters." When the crown jewels of the republican party are idiots like Huckabee and Sarah Palin. It is a bleak day indeed. Even being christian, I feel the party pushes that vote too much. They can support christian values without making it so obvious. I don't really like the religion so closely associated with people who turn it away from faith and degrade it into a political slogan.

    The party has needed new blood for a long time, but what's it's getting isn't particularly helpful. Huckabee just seems to bland to me to ever win the Presidency, Palin can't even give a half decent interview, and Romeny... well, I have no idea why a Mormon who is pro-choice rolled republican at all. He's not gonna win much more than he already has. What we need is our own Obama-like candidate, but I don't see one insight.
  2. Wreybies
    Wozers. Complete agreement.

    The republican party is in dear need of a new way of being. I think that the craziness which you have quoted from Mr Gingrich is the merely the nonsensical death rattle of a party in it's last minutes. This is not a good thing. We only have two viable parties as it is, a one party system....
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