
By CsicSavage · Nov 29, 2009 · ·
  1. Through a frame of melted
    sand i caught a glimpse of
    some strange man & this
    man he walked a path but in
    his hand he clutched a staff
    that bore a cross and
    epigraph. As he passed the
    man peered back his face
    was pale his eyes were
    black an eerie pause
    brought forth a sack. The
    man reached in and exposed
    a light that first was red but
    then turned white it grew &
    grew it got so bright i had to
    shield my eyes from sight. I
    turned away for just a blink
    but to look again was my
    instinct slowly i removed my
    hands and saw there was no
    light there was no man.


  1. Alistaire
    haha! (gleeful laugh) I love things like this. well done
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