Whats tomorrow without today!

By Speedy · Sep 5, 2009 · ·
  1. Thrust

    I tremble as your blood drips through my destruction.
    I fear my actions, though I refuse your shallow apologies.
    Put a bullet in my head before you pity me.
    Oh you make me cry, my heart weeps for you, I lie not.
    My weakness, or shall I say was.
    This isn’t my battle; it’s your trial.
    You cursed me with your presences.


    You let the Raven perch upon my hopes.
    Blinding me.
    You let the dog feed upon my deepest desires.
    Numbing me.
    You pleaded the clouds too rain over my every breath.
    Killing whatever good was left.


    You deconstructed my reality.
    So allow me to carve up your mortality.


    Let me feed you the steel that bears my hate.
    Allow me to rest this anger into your moral decay.
    Have me rain clouds of rage until you scream my name one last time.


    Silly girl, looking at me like a stranger.
    Don’t try and hold me with those poisoned hands.
    No I wont hold you one last time, die bitch.


    Love for us came in the summer breeze once.
    Our names carried from dawn till dusk, everyone knew.
    But summer ended, the winds died.
    So will you.


    Fear not it’s over now.
    Let me place you on the floor.
    Don’t worry I’ll clean your mess up.
    Maybe it can be like before

    An army of feathers scatter as the Raven takes flight.
    Thunder roars before the dog looks one last time at its former occupant.
    The clouds depart, white light promises a tomorrow.
    I Awake.

    My eyes open for the first time in a long time.
    A familiar love lies dead on the floor.
    Tears fall confused
    Are they happy?
    Are they sad?


  1. becca
    Morbid, action packed and deep. Sounds like you, doesn't it? :p

    I like the feeling you show in this one. The bitterness, and anger.
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