What's Wrong With the Female Gaze?

By T.Trian · Aug 17, 2014 · ·
  1. It's been a hot summer and the temperature has hovered close to 100F for weeks. That means more and more girls and women take to the streets in skirts so short, they barely conceal the color of their panties or shorts so short, their pockets peek out from under the denim cloth. Their tops grow shorter, thinner, skimpier, showing more and more skin, and people of both sexes see it as normal, acceptable (desirable?) behavior.

    Now, take a look at the guys, at what they're wearing. If it's anyone with even a little fashion sense (and born after the 1970s), he'll be wearing knee-length (or even longer) shorts and a t-shirt. Sure, you see the occasional goofball in short Björn Borg shorts and a tank top, but most people, many ladies included, think that looks ridiculous and, seriously, what guy wants to look ridiculous, especially in front of the fairer sex?

    Have you ever stopped and wondered why we, as a society, think men should keep their bodies concealed? Why are men happier the less clothes the ladies around them wear, but if you flip the sexes... sure, a few more "liberated" women would grin and enjoy the sights, but the abundance of hungry, horny smiles wouldn't be nearly as uniform as when female skin is revealed. Just last Thursday K.Trian and I were at the local railway station and we saw plenty of girls (some very young, traveling with their parents) and women in outfits as skimpy as possible, some just short of underwear. We didn't see a single bare male thigh not to mention shirtless boys or men. I know a few venture about now and then, but not only are they rare, they are such exceptions that people pay more attention to them (for better or worse, usually the latter) than the girl walking by him in the shortest possible mini skirt and a string bikini top. Even those who notice both, seem to more readily approve the girl's outfit as normal while thinking the guy is a show-off (if he's muscular/good-looking) or revolting (if he's overly skinny, overweight, or old).

    Speaking of people with less than ideal bodies, i.e. those who are bordering on the anorexic and those with a bit of extra, when they are girls, they can still show a lot of skin and still people, men and bi/lesbian women look at them with admiration, even desire. Now imagine an extremely scrawny or a pudgy guy going shirtless and in tiny shorts. Would they get as many admiring stares, lustful glances, admiring looks? No, they wouldn't and they don't. Why is that? Why is it that for a man to be more universally appreciated as physically attractive while shirtless, he either has to be a flat-bellied guy with otherwise normal build or a six-pack -toting athlete? Who has established these stricter demands on men that our society, as it is today, upholds? From what I've seen, many men laugh and sneer at their less perfect counterparts who dare to dress more comfortably during the year's hottest days and often women just go along with it, allowing their boyfriends, husbands, brothers, fathers, and even male friends to affect their perceptions on male beauty (or, rather, the lack thereof).

    Add to all this that men generally handle heat worse than women, and men even sweat (and hence stink) a lot more, so plenty of boys and men would love nothing more than to show more skin, i.e. dress to better avoid a fucking heatstroke, but unless they want to risk looking gross or like a meatheaded show-off trying to desperately attract attention with his muscles, they must keep their thighs and guns hidden under cloth. How I missed my kilt that day (sometimes I wear one onstage with my band and let me tell you, under those hot stage lights, it's heaven-sent)!

    Now, why are females so hesitant to show their appreciation of the male form? Don't they like looking at shirtless guys unless they're built like pro athletes or Johnny Depp? Are male thighs truly so revolting or embarrassing that women just don't find them sexy? It sure seems so judging by all of the above observations. To add insult to ijury, many a time I've seen and heard girls laughing at some guy in short shorts. Believe me, I can tell the difference between laughing with him and laughing at him, and they definitely weren't laughing with him.

    I've seen plenty of discussion about the male gaze, how routinely men, even highly educated, "respectful" individuals so often come up with the most ridiculous/ingenious reasons (or excuses) to watch or show naked/semi-naked girls in pretty much every medium from movies to music videos, magazines to books etc.

    Now I ask you, where the hell is the female gaze?

    Has patriarchy truly stomped female sexuality into such a deep, inescapeable pit that women will never look at men the way men look at women? Or is there something else going on here? In any case, here's the thing: it's high time we dragged humanity, kicking and screaming if need be, to the 21st century where women are liberated and deserve the right to express their sexuality and appreciation of whichever sex they prefer openly and without the fear of things like slut-shaming. Alas, that will never happen unless some brave girls and women first pave the way for their future sisters. Unfortunately that's the way societies work; if we want change, someone has to spearhead the revolution even though there will be some "casualties," i.e. bullying, snide remarks, disgusted looks etc, but those also stem from archaic values and views that should've grown obsolete long ago.

    Let's wrap this up before it turns into a novel. I'll finish with a request (I seem to be doing that a lot with my recent blog posts): if you see a man showing a bit more skin than what's visible from under long shorts and a t-shirt, don't laugh or sneer at him. If you're a guy, don't be so eager to make fun of him for daring to dress more comfortably than you: ridicule rarely leads to anything positive. If you're a man or a woman and see a girl or a woman showcasing her appreciation for male beauty in whatever way, try to contain the compulsion to call her a slut, whore, or some such, shunning her for having the guts to show her sexuality not just through her looks, but her behavior, her actions. After all, men do it all the time and most see it as something natural and normal, so why should it be any different with women? I mean, they're people too, as far as I know...

    So, don't stifle your sexuality; celebrate it, and maybe someday men can walk around in skimpy outfits as well and be still seen as sexy and desirable, judging by all the positive reinforcement they get from the ladies. Let's begin a new era where the female gaze is just as normal, natural, and, most of all, abundant as the male gaze.

    Peace out!
    KaTrian and Okon like this.


  1. jazzabel
    I agree that both genders should be more relaxed, open and allowed to wear whatever they want. But if you are talking about reactions to men vs women showing skin, the thing is, guys are just more interested in quantity and women are more interested in quality. It ties back to one egg vs million sperm, one female choosing from many male suitors. Women simply don't have the kind of libido that makes them lower their standards in the same way that most men do (this is a generalisation). Like you said, even if the guy doesn't fancy a girl, he will usually find her showing skin arousing. Not so in women because our libido is tied in with finding that one guy out of many. But even if we see a guy you describe, that alpha male, ripped, big, sexy etc, or any other type of guy we like, women aren't as likely to send an open sexual invitation via 'female gaze' because the guy will take her up on the offer a lot more easily then the other way around. Sadly, in this world, where attitudes are still that no means yes and women are facing little or no protection from sexual violence, this is how it is. In that sense, patriarchy is to blame.
      T.Trian likes this.
  2. T.Trian
    @jazzabel, agreed, that's why I didn't lament the lack of women cat-calling after men, winking at them, complimenting their butts, pinching them etc. Sure, a lot of men would love it if they did those things, but we, as a species, sadly aren't ready for that yet if we ever will be (doubtful, especially as long as women are encouraged to stay weak and physically less capable, kinda like what I ranted about in the previous blog post).

    Anyway, I also meant non-IRL situations, like women who write stories, produce visual art etc. They don't need to worry about guys getting sexually aggressive if they show their attraction towards male skin, but still female-produced art usually doesn't have such a strong sexual gaze aimed at the male characters than in male-produced art depicting female characters, be it literature, visual art, or even music. Sans the exceptions of course.
    For example, I remember in high school how guys could perform songs about fucking girls etc. and nobody would bat an eye, but more than once girls who chose to perform "sexy" songs indicating attraction to guys, they got some shit down their necks (from guys and girls alike) for doing so.

    Sure, nature probably plays a part in it all, but nurture also has its role in indoctrinating women and especially girls to not only avoid expressing their sexuality, but to antagonize those females who do, even when it's something they do in safe environments such as writing novels, drawing, painting, or writing music. And that sucks.
      jazzabel likes this.
  3. jazzabel
    I know what you mean. You should see what kind of attention artistic self-portraits get you, especially if they are revealing. And the abuse, it's just shocking. Sexually honest poetry also, it just goes on and on, if you are a girl, you get abused for manifesting your sexuality, and there's absolutely no escape except in the privacy of your own home (if you are lucky to find a normal guy, not some idiot).

    I've been struggling with the same thing, writing my female protagonists, and this ties in with what I've been saying about the issue of writing female characters in general. I feel strongly about equality, and I have dedicated most of my projects to female leads, don't know why, just a mixture of natural choice and desire to do something different and further the cause. I mean, why not? Just because it's more difficult? But there's a wealth of uncharted territory to explore, the female perspective's been missing etc etc. Anyway, I found that the only time my characters were sexually uninhibited to a degree of a normal male was when the character was a prostitute. Right now, my character is a vampire, and in chapter one, she seduces a guy to get her blood fix, and by chapter two, I've already written a sex scene between her and another character. The sex scene is sitting in 'Scenes to include later' and I'm already torn about the seduction (she doesn't actually have sex, but the scene has sexual themes). Why? Because of everything we've been talking about. Being in their heads, I know that this is what they do, but at the same time, I know how women who do these things are viewed. Looking at a hot guy and finding him attractive, I would like to show it, but I'm torn. It sucks, I agree.
      aikoaiko and T.Trian like this.
  4. jannert
    Very interesting. I've never thought about this topic gender-connected ways before.

    I'm from the USA originally, and I certainly remember guys taking off their clothes in hot weather ...certainly from the waist up. Even my dad did that, and he was born in 1917. It was very common to see shirtless men walking the streets on a hot day. It was common enough that some shops and restaurants would put signs up saying 'shirts must be worn indoors.' And by 'shirts' they usually meant shirts with sleeves, ie a T-shirt and not a 'muscle shirt or tank top. (I don't know if that has changed now, since everybody seems to have air conditioning. I've not lived there for 28 years.)

    It was a lot LESS common to see guys in shorts, though. I don't know if it was a modesty/coverup issue. It might well have been that guys were loathe to show off their hairy legs. This was before the days of 'waxing' so hairy chests, backs and legs were what men looked like. Maybe that had something to do with it? Of course they didn't shave armpits either, so maybe hair was the issue, more than showing the body? I think some women prefer hairless men, for some reason, although hair was 'more acceptable' on chests than anywhere else other than the head and chin. That strikes me as an attitude that needs to change, because it's not the way men's bodies behave. Hairy is how they naturally are. I hate any pressure to change natural looks.

    Here in Scotland, BOTH sexes strip down to the bare minimum whenever the temperature rises above 60 degrees. It's kind of funny, really. But it's definitely an age thing. You'll pass old guys in bunnets and a wool jacket, older ladies in a wooly hat and (as I saw the other day) a quilted winter coat. These two will inevitably be moaning ...aw it's awfae warum, I cannae staun this heat ...but will resist any efforts to get them to take off the winter garb. After all, any minute now the weather can take a turn and they want to be prepared.

    And then on the same walk you'll pass a gaggle of young people OF ALL SHAPES AND SIZES in tank tops, baggy shorts (current fashion for boys) and girls in short skirts, sandals and spaghetti-vest tops. Both groups look equally uncomfortable, because the weather is warm enough to go without a jacket, but a long-sleeved t-shirt is as 'bare' as you want to be for comfort's sake.

    My husband assures me that this fashion of taking clothes off the minute the sun comes out is a new thing, probably brought on by the penchant young Scots have discovered over the past 20-30 years of taking annual holidays in the Med. Ditto Glasgow 'street culture' which more often than not means bistro tables piled up at the front of the establishment, streaming with rain!

    Dunno. I think culture has a lot to do with it. Here in Scotland I've never heard anybody making fun of men because of what they are wearing, from the aspect of whether it makes them look sexy or not. It doesn't seem to matter.
      T.Trian likes this.
  5. T.Trian
    @jazzabel, I think you should definitely do what your vision dictates and to hell with those who can't handle it. If someone's so stupid they can't accept women writing about females who actually enjoy sex and don't shy away from it either, they are too stupid for their opinion to matter. The whole notion that women shouldn't explore or discuss, much less celebrate their sexuality is idiotic and, as a notion, it should've been obsolete the moment some jackass first thought of it.

    I'm actually facing a similar situation but from a slightly different angle: if I, as a guy, end up writing sexually active female characters, I'm easily labeled as a wanker only coming up with weak excuses to get my female characters naked no matter the actual reasons, motivations etc. behind the scene. It's even worse if the women aren't always straight, and while I don't lose any sleep over what others think of me, I'm not doing this alone, so often I hesitate about writing sexually active female characters of any sexuality just so I don't stigmatize our stories as crappy wankerism, as if it's impossible for any man to ever write a decent female character unless she's basically asexual and frigid to boot.
    Luckily I write with a woman so if I do have a sexually active female MC, we can always claim she was Kat's character. :D In all seriousness, such narrow-mindedness is pretty annoying and artistically limiting unless you can ignore it. I just don't get why it has to be that way? Sure, I've read some pretty horrible female characters written by male authors who've used the character as a conduit for their own sexual fantasies, but that doesn't mean all male authors are as bad or share their motives. But I guess it's too much to ask to not be lumped together with a bunch of such literary "greats,"

    It's too bad people are still so afraid of female sexuality, as if it was still a taboo subject, something we shouldn't talk or write about. I can imagine it being even worse for visual artists.
    In a way this veers close to another blog post of mine about female guitarists: often they have a hard time getting any respect, being taken seriously, and they have to prove themselves over and over again no matter how good they are.
    It's a double-edged sword in two ways: first, they get more exposure easily because they are rare, but the exposure usually garners them no respect. Instead they're seen as sideshow freaks. Second, if they're pretty, they have even less credibility as serious musicians, people pay attention to them because of their looks, they are treated like sex objects (e.g. they are shot in skimpy outfits and sexy poses in magazine shoots if they want to be in the magazine *cough* Metal Hammer *cough*). If they're overweight or plain, they are ridiculed for not being pretty or skinny and they won't get as much exposure than their prettier, possibly less skilled counterparts. So no matter what they do, what they are like, they're the wrong kind.

    I think the same applies to just about all areas of the entertainment industry although writers generally don't have it quite that bad since we don't need to show our faces to produce and distribute our art. Doesn't mean things are the way they should be...
      jazzabel likes this.
  6. T.Trian
    @jannert, then Scottish guys are lucky. :p

    About the younger guys; you said they wear baggy shorts, probably ones that reach or are below the knees, right? If so, that's what I'm talking about. If young guys want to look good in the eyes of girls (and what straight or bi youths don't?), they can't wear 70s style short shorts (unless Scottish girls are far more open-minded than e.g. Finnish girls) much less anything like hot pants or some such even when the weather would justify that. Girls, on the other hand, can and do, and guys love it.

    Do you know how demanding the local girls are when it comes to shirtless guys? Do they only show positive attention towards slim, six-packy guys with no (shaved or waxed) body hair? Or can a pudgy or skeletal youth with body hair get girls (without being a celeb or rich)?
    Over here, you do need to have low body fat and at least a bit of muscle if you're a guy and want to avoid sneers and laughter when you take off your shirt even though some will label you a show-off.
  7. jannert
    Well, I'm not a young person, nor do I hang out with them, so I really don't know what young people are saying about each other, to be honest.

    Baggy shorts are a fashion just now, and I wouldn't read anything else into them. Look at footballers on the pitch and compare them to, say 30 years ago, when footballers all wore short shorts. Same with basketball players. 3o years ago, their shorts were skimpy, now they're not. I think that's just fashion, more than a desire to keep bodies hidden.

    All shapes and sizes of guys wear these 'hot weather clothes' in cool weather, here in Scotland. So I don't imagine the not-so-athletic guys are all that bothered, meaning the girls must not be all that bothered either.

    To tell the truth, while Scottish people try really hard to 'look good,' their actual looks don't seem to be all that important. It's effort more than effect that counts! Hard to explain, but I noticed it right away when I moved here.
  8. jannert
    "Second, if they're pretty, they have even less credibility as serious musicians, people pay attention to them because of their looks, they are treated like sex objects."

    The converse is true, though. If a professional musician is NOT pretty, or somebody who plays on 'prettiness' (hair-tossing while playing the classical violin, etc) then you know they're good. In other words, it's their music not their looks that matter.

    Same with men as well as women. I'd say a 'pretty' musician of either sex who wants their music to be take seriously should probably not make their looks a central feature of their performance. I don't mean they need to put a bag over their heads, but maybe just de-sexualise their appearance while they're on stage?
  9. T.Trian
    On principle I agree. However, I'm pretty familiar with the music industry and sometimes the artist doesn't have the final say when it comes to things like promo materials etc. unless they're influential enough. E.g. a Finnish punkrock band, Bitch Alert, would've been featured in an issue of Metal Hammer (one of the biggest rock and metal magazines in the world, i.e. a big fucking deal for such a small band), but when the lead singer and drummer (both girls) refused to dress sexy and kneel before the bassist guy sitting on a throne and lick his boots like his BDSM bitches, the whole interview was cancelled and their career took a pretty serious hit. At least they got to keep their self-respect if nothing else...

    Sadly, that's not an isolated case either, and the music industry is notorious for exploiting especially women and especially in rock circles, as if it's impossible for a woman to be a rock musician and become successful simply due to her skills without drawing attention to her sex-appeal. Of course there are exceptions to every rule, but the rule still is that the women are strongly sexualized and notably more so than male musicians who usually get to keep their clothes on (if they so choose).

    The same goes for pretty much the whole entertainment industry to varying degrees and even sports, to a certain extent; if you're a beautiful woman, you get sponsorship deals and attention much more easily than less photogenic individuals (even if they outshine you in your sport) or even handsome male athletes, but at least in most sports, if you win, there comes a point when you can no longer be ignored.

    It just can't be mere a coincidence that a simple image search of, say, female MMA fighters yields plenty of sexy underwear photos, even nudes, whereas searching for images of male MMA fighters shows them either in the ring or in promo shots where they wear their competition outfits (nowadays practically always baggy, knee-length board shorts) or normal clothes. Even women's competition outfits tend to be more revealing.

    I just wonder if things would be at least a bit different if women were more liberated (and weren't judged) about expressing their sexuality and their appreciation of the male form, i.e. maybe we'd actually see more scantily clad, sexier images of male artists and athletes in image searches if there was a lot of demand for them?
  10. jannert
    Yeah, lots of food for thought there. I have no doubt that sexiness plays a huge role in the music industry ...especially rock and pop music. It's just disturbing that it's creeping into other forms of music as well. When was the last time you saw a plain female violinist taking front and centre at a classical performance? It's crept into traditional music as well, with the ethereal-looking wispy-voiced girly Gaelic singers replacing the more mature and more skilled older women, the ones with plain faces, who may be overweight etc, but who can sing the rafters down. Irritating. We are a supposedly sophisticated society. We should know better. I have no idea what the solution is. I mean I know what the solution is for individuals, but to change an outlook en masse? Not a clue, unfortunately.

    The worst thing is, there is a lot of talent out there that gets short shrift because the package isn't 'beautiful.' And a lot of so-so talent that punches WAY above its weight because the package IS beautiful. We're all the poorer for it.
      T.Trian likes this.
  11. jazzabel
    @T. Trian : It reminded me of a recent controversy, a young, podgy and plain female opera singer was reviewed by three prominent male critics, all of which berated her looks, only one made one passing remark about her singing (which was excellent). These were published in most prominent newspapers, like The Times and similar. Then, some women analysed their critiques of several fat and ugly male opera singers, and couldn't find a single derogatory reference, or even any commentary about their appearance.

    The problem, in my eyes, isn't the fact that some men are pigs, that can't be changed, but the fact they are allowed to be pigs publicly, even encouraged at it. Misogynist men, who are guilty of perpetuating this most of all, are hogging all the important and prominent jobs and positions, and they are negatively selecting against anyone who isn't exactly like them, or is willing to be their wank material.

    Because not only are pigs, but they are the most prominent in their field (because their pals the news editors and heads of committees say so) and there's a loud absence of women or normal men in the same positions. so their voice is he only one that's heard. This is how patriarchy has worked for thousands of years.
      Delise and T.Trian like this.
  12. T.Trian
    @jannert, the only thing I can think of is starting the slow process of changing societies through changing individuals through affecting their attitudes with new ideas even if they go against what they've been taught all their lives. Maybe we'll see results in, oh, a century or so. :p
  13. T.Trian
    @jazzabel, that reminds me of the Edmund Burke quote: "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

    I'm not surprised in the least about the opera example because societies in general judge women by what they are, especially their looks, and men by what they do, their actions; women should be passive and weak, men should be active and strong.

    Furthermore, this dichotomy is constantly perpetuated by men and women in a myriad of different ways ranging from the differences between toys marketed for boys (action figurines to identify with, Lego castles to build, foot- and basketballs to compete with, video games to beat etc.) and toys intended for girls (toy ovens, baby dolls, those heads you can groom with different hairstyles and make-up, Bratz and Barbie dolls to sap their self-esteem if they don't have tiny waists and big tits at 10yo etc.) to how girls are discouraged from sports ("if you train hard and lift weights heavier than a pencil, you'll get muscles as big as Arnold! And you'll lose what little tits you have and look like a 12yo boy! You'd look like a gross freak!") and musicianship, especially metal, punk, and other more aggressive genres ('cause good girls only listen to classical music or radio pop) through ridicule, disrespect, and focusing on their beauty (or lack thereof, according to the Western beauty ideals) instead of their skill.

    It's not even just discouragement since sometimes girls are discouraged through encouragement: they are encouraged to like and do normal things like cooking, cleaning, wanting babies, shopping, aerobic exercise (and not too much of that either) etc. even if that means they'd need to sacrifice what they love for something about which they don't give two shits. They are encouraged to dress and look pretty by complimenting their looks when they wear make-up and a dress after getting a nice haircut at the beauty salon while they are discouraged from wearing athletic outfits, practical haircuts, and comfortable shoes like sneakers or combat boots that don't damage their feet and legs in the long run, from bruising and spraining their bodies in contact sports etc.etc.etc.
    The list goes on and the end-result is that way too many girls will grow into passive and weak women with poor self-esteem (especially if they have small tits, i.e. they aren't "feminine" or some bs like that) even if they would've turned out active and strong if allowed to follow their true dreams.
      Delise and jazzabel like this.
  14. jazzabel
    I agree, and this upsets me as a woman. I think sexuality has been forcefully taken away from women, and since that's been condemned, it's been dangled in the air for men to do with it what they want, but the system is working very hard on continuing to disempower women, so that they don't dare to take ownership of it.

    So, long ago, at least if your honour was damaged, your brother or a husband would justifiably avenge it, but likewise, you were forced to marry whomever your family wanted, and your life depended solely on men. Now, women are technically independent, even though they continue to be excluded from the decision-making positions, or they are such a minority that they can be easily outvoted. Rape is illegal, but good luck actually proving it to the courts. Women are encouraged to work, but housework is still their obligation. Women are emancipated, they can marry whoever they like, but if they choose to not marry, or they like to sleep around, they are sluts and there must be something wrong with them. And then, there's the whole aggression towards women based on their appearance, like you described.

    The worst of it, though, are generations of young men who are raised to laugh at rape jokes, and to disbelieve any rights are denied women at all, in fact, the violence towards women is so extreme in our society, these boys are being taught to see themselves as victims of denial of sex by women, and to hate women as sluts and bitches who have an advantage just because they have a vagina. I see these kinds of boys all the time, they barely have pubic hair and they already disrespect anything a woman says, this forum included, and it freezes the blood in my veins.
      Delise and T.Trian like this.
  15. T.Trian
    The way I see it, women's sexuality has been so thoroughly suffocated over the past centuries that even if there are some places now where women could start to reclaim it, most are so indoctrinated to think they aren't allowed to do so that they either don't realize they have that option or they don't know how to do it. Kinda like the elephant and the twig: if you tie an elephant to a heavy rock or massive tree it can't unroot, it tries to escape but can't, so once it has learned that, you can tie the rope to a damn twig and the strong elephant won't even try to escape because it doesn't realize the rope would give way if it just gave it a tug.

    Then again, that's hardly a surprise since even today most girls are still indoctrinated from birth to hide their sexuality, to be ashamed of it and their bodies unless they do look like barbies, to ignore their own sexual likes and dislikes, and only act according to some pattern devised by the society and upheld by the people around them. And if they dare break out of that chokehold, they are punished by being called sluts and whores, by being judged and antagonized, by being rejected and shunned by even their families, but especially by men who are so weak, they fear empowered women and hence antagonize them because they can't handle the notion that they can't control those women.
    Likewise, other women also react in a hostile manner at least partly because of the crab (no pun intended) syndrome: if you have a bucketful of live crabs and one tries to escape, the others pull it back down. If one woman breaks free from the restraints, others who are still shackled see it as their sacred duty to drag her back down into the fold.

    So many guys are happy with the double standard of them fucking dozens of girls but they wouldn't want an equally experienced girl as a girlfriend much less a wife. It's the age-old virgin/whore -thing: they want to fuck plenty of whores and then marry a virgin who's a whore in bed, a saint outside it while they should be accepted as they are, having slept with as many girls as they could. By God if the girl has actually more partners in her sexual past than the guy...

    I also believee even that boils down to control and the fear of losing it: women who have reclaimed their sexuality can't be controlled as easily, so how do some men try to remedy that? By trying to destroy what makes the women free, i.e. dangerous; their sexuality. What better way to do this than by rape? We've all heard the phrases uttered either as jokes or excuses: "she's a fucking slut, she loves sex, so how could it be rape? I just gave her exactly what she wanted," "see how scantily she was dressed? Any woman in an outfit like that is asking for it," "she fucks everybody, so of course I thought she wanted to fuck me too. No wonder I thought she meant 'yes' when she said 'no.'"

    That fear of not being able to control women stems from weakness and cowardice. Luckily not all men are weak cowards, but way too many are. It's just too bad it's illegal to reduce overpopulation by shooting them...
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