When I was a mean, 12 year old.

By Lydia · Jan 22, 2011 · ·
  1. An excerpt from my diary as a 12 year old girl- extremely mean girl, too. :cool:
    I apologize for all the mistakes, and for not knowing you can't pour out mascara.

    Dearest Lotte,

    now I’ve finally given you a name, as you can hear.
    I’ve got a lot of things to tell you. The cast has been taken of my arm and it still hurts sometimes but it’s almost fully better.

    We’re busy rehearsing for a play, The Princess and The Pea. I have to be the king and I think it’s pretty stupid, but there’s nothing to be done about because I’m the only one who’s able to play that role. My robe will be made of an old red bathrobe and a fake fur coat. We’re going to cut strips of the fur coat and sew it on the bathrobe, I’m sure you know what I mean, Lotte.

    I’ve also been (not today, but this month, the 4th of May I believe) to Technopolis with my friend Marieke and her brother Simon and her parents and Melody, Salome and Jim. That are sisters and a brother of mine, remember?

    I’ve been really mad at my sisters today. They were saying something about me that wasn’t true and I started yelling and hit Salome with a shoebox on her head, exactly what she deserved.
    When they finally stopped and left I decided to pour a cup of water over her mattress but after thinking about it for a while I decided not to- she should be happy. One time I did pour water over the mattress of my other sister because I was upset at her. When she went to bed that night she felt it and when to tell mama.

    Let me tell you a few good punishments for sisters when you’re upset at them!
    Here they are:

    a.) pour water of their mattress
    b.) hide their “stuff”
    c.) shoot at them with a water gun
    d.) put toothpaste in their shoes
    e.)pour out their mascara (if they have it)

    There you go! Maybe I can think of other punishments later but now I have to go because someone’s calling me!
    Till tonight or tomorrow or another time, See you!!!!

    15th of May 2003


  1. Speedy
    d.) put toothpaste in their shoes

    Why have i never thought of such an wicked idea!
  2. art
    A sweet 12 yr old: a commendable lack of venom in those suggestions!

    f) bite your own arm and run to mum screaming, 'Lotte did this!'
  3. Taylee91
    This made me laugh. I immediately thought of my own younger years and writing in my own diaries. Sadly I don't have any to share. But I can't say you were completely mean. I'd get upset too if my sister or brother was talking trash about me. And really -- those weren't horrible punishments. More inconveniences.
  4. hiddennovelist
    Oh my god, that was so cute, Soul Sister. :) Another suggestion, along the lines of art's, would be to simply say "stop hitting me!" My brother and I were sitting on the couch once, not interacting at all, and he did that...my parents got mad at me.

    Now I want to find one of my old diaries.
  5. Pallas
    I can almost picture the young lass with a crooked smile, squeezing toothpaste into shoes, so mean! haha
  6. Tessie
  7. Tessie
  8. Tessie
    double double
  9. Tessie
    put toothpaste in their shoes

    Does Salome prefer bubble gum flavor or mint zest?

    Oh, Lydia, we all have our little moments from time to time and yours was justified. :) I actually had a couple that I still remember. I have brothers and sisters, so naturally you must assume there was many more such moments -- merited and unmerited.
  10. Eunoia
    Haha, I like your punishments, particularly the 'put toothpaste in their shoes'. :p
  11. Lydia
    Well I guess I could have always been more mean, but I decided to stick to those things. ;) I've got lots of old diaries... and I've always been crazy, so I bet they could make some people laugh.

    Heather, that hitting thing sounds like a good idea! Except that I'm 19 now and I'm not that mean anymore. :p
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