Who Said Profanity Implies Ignorance

By mugen shiyo · Apr 24, 2012 · ·
  1. Most people say profanity and slang imply ignorance. So completely untrue. While I may spend an extra one or two minutes trying to intellectually divulge my feelings toward you a two second "Go F**k Yourself" expresses my range of thought quite clearly and efficiently. Slang also tends to do the same. While not viewed as professional, it is concise and much more efficient. People know what you are talking about when you say it.

    This goes for anger as well as happiness or joy. he very act of cursing implies greater emotional content and expression. Slang is artful. Kids love it because you don't sound like your stiff parents and even parents don't like to sound like their stiff selves.

    I'm just saying...there are times when profanity get's the mail to it's box a lot quicker.


  1. bibliolept
    Whoever said profanity implies ignorance was wrong as fuck.

    See what I did there? :p
  2. thecoopertempleclause
    "Profanity weakens the mind and cheapens the soul," - The Middleman
  3. mugen shiyo
    Nah. Excessive profanity does. Excessive anything probably would.
  4. Ofpensandmanacles
    It might be more efficient, but would it be satisfying to you? What I do is to insinuate subtly but harshly. It doesn't matter if they're concise, it's a matter of being classy. Why the need to cheapen your language for tawdry people when you can do it with eloquence and know that you're still saying the same thing?
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