Why I believe in God

By losthawken · Nov 12, 2009 · ·
  1. I write this little post, not as an attack against the post written by Jon in his own blog, but as something inspired by it. I was actually surprised to hear that atheists are timid of expounding their beliefs. I feel the same way about my Christianity, but then, I run in mostly atheist circles. It actually took a lot of courage for me to post this, so don’t think that I’m coming down on other beliefs. I was just inspired by Jon’s courage and wanted to try and do the same for my own sake. My only intent is to challenge myself to present my views clearly, and to challenge friends, including Jon, to continue thinking about their own views and the views of others.

    I agreed with almost all of Jon’s points in that they are valid, however, I don’t reach the same conclusions as he does. I’ll try to address them by point here:

    1. Lots of Gods. Though not stated directly, it was implied that because there are a large number of gods to choose from that that somehow suggests that none of them are true. I don’t think that Jon meant to say this, but as I read his post it did seem to be accidentally implied. This type of argument if it were made, and I have heard it other places, would be a sort of middle ground fallacy and doesn’t really hold water.

    2. Tradition and scores of believers do not make something true. I totally agree with this sentiment. It is not a good reason for believing in God. It might be good reason to consider believing in God, since so many people agree on the existence of some sort of god or gods, but it does not make for good evidence.

    Ironically, this majority rule is the precise mechanism by which the scientific community accepts and rejects theories. Evidence is always dependent upon interpretation and even in science the most commonly accepted interpretation is generally considered to be ‘true’.

    3. The Bible is inconsistent and flawed. I find this argument to be debatable, but I don’t think such a debate would really further us. Instead I would contend that, whether or not it is flawed, one should really look at the possibility of the book being ‘inspired’ based on its rather unique history and content.

    4. The last points made by Jon argue that miracles and testimonies are not empirically provable and subjective. Thus, they do not make good evidence for the existence of God. I would agree with this and encourage anyone who stands on such a faith to dig much deeper.

    As I have written it we are still left with no reasons to believe in God. We do, however, have a couple of reasons to investigate the possibility of his existence. From here I would like to make a few more points that give further reason to investigate:

    1. The universe is amazing. Beauty is an abstract concept that could be considered an evolved aspect of the human mind. The beauty of the universe goes far beyond that however; it encompasses a magnificence that stretches from the cosmic to the quantum, and beyond. It is not merely aesthetic, but also mathematical. The dynamics of physics can be described in equations that will astound you by their symmetry and elegance. To look at the universe through science and see only a cold dead machine takes a mind that is already extremely biased against the proposition of God, in my opinion.

    2. Humans are misfits in the natural machine. I think Agent Smith said it best when he said “Humans are a virus.” We do not follow the natural laws of balance and are quickly outpacing our resources. In addition we are the only creature known to exhibit compassion to such a level that we can nearly block the effects of evolution on our species. There is certainly something peculiar about the human species. Does this point to God? Not directly, but a divergence from the natural order of the sort that we represent does suggest that there may be something beyond that natural order that effected us so.

    3. Explanatory power. There will never be enough evidence to prove or disprove the existence of God. As such other criteria must be employed. I find the belief in God to have explanatory power in the universe, and in my personal life. Yes, science has done and will continue to explain many of the mysteries of the universe. But science can only tell us what happens, it cannot broach the subjective ‘why’ of the universe. Without a why we go the way of Nietzsche into meaninglessness and despair. Within the heart of all men is the hope for purpose and meaning in the universe, some envision the culmination of the evolution of the universe and a sort of transcendence, while others place their hope on the supernatural. Having investigated the tenants of Christianity I find that it has the power to explain the ‘whys’ of humanity more sufficiently and beautifully than any other belief system.

    I was going to go into a discourse on the underdetermination of theory by evidence, and how that really handicaps any use of evidence or a lack thereof. But I think that that would be more distracting from the point I would like to make.

    In essence, I see the universe as a transcendently beautiful machine and humanity as a peculiar anomaly, both of which demand some sort of explanation or ‘why’. Naturalism, by definition, limits itself to explaining things in terms of natural interactions. As such it is not really capable of answering such existential questions. Defining what makes a painting beautiful or peculiar tells you nothing of the meaning behind it or the purpose behind the artist. Studying a car will lead you to the conclusion that it takes people places, but on its own it cannot tell you why it would do so who would need it.

    I am left with the conclusion that naturalism will not answer my questions. The answers are to be found either in the tenants of some other belief system, or are not there at all, as I’m sure Nietzsche would contend.

    Each must make their own search for the answers to their questions, but remember this:

    You will find whatever kind of god you look for, even a non-god. But the God of the Universe will find you, if you let Him.

    Those are my thoughts, not complete or waterproof as presented, but a good effort I hope :)


  1. Eoz Eanj
    My question is, if the Christian God is so omniopent and omnious, how can we 'find' him? Doesn't 'finding' merely imply that we have come to believe in 'his' existence?
    Or is this 'finding' marked by some significant event that's supposed to happen to us, upon 'believing' in this God?
    Also, how is believing defined and measured anyway? To what extent must you believe in order to be a 'believer'? Is it when you abandon all speculation, because if so, that doesn't consitute 'finding' in my opinion, but 'assuming', which doesn't sound like a very divine experience.

    Also, everything exists as an idea.
    A chair for example, exists as a chair not because it has four legs and frame, but because it exists as an idea. I could call any object a chair, and it would essentially 'be' a chair purely because of an idea I have....

    Therefore, your analogy of how science is a seemingly shallow means of explaining the existence of the universe doesn't make much sense to me, because that's under the assumption that there's a descrimination between the literal, 'physical' elements of the universe, and the deeper, more 'existential' elements, concerning 'ultimate purpose' and 'underlying function', in the first place.

    you're probably like, 'wtf?' after reading all that nonsense I pumped out. I do apologise for that, I merely suffer a grave curiousity in all things religious and philosophical... also, it's 4am where I am and I'm sure I'm becoming delusion with fatigue.
  2. Lavarian
    I think a good place to start would be to express a sincere desire to find Him and, perhaps, to ask Him for assistance in finding Him.

    However, swallowing one's pride and asking- even when alone- might feel ridiculous and is definitely easier said than done. It's easy to be interrupted by doubting thoughts and feelings of silliness.
    Having support from believing friends doesn't hurt either.

    I have personally found that, as with most sentient beings, God isn't really susceptible to cause and effect. He isn't tame, but he is good.
  3. arron89
    The main problem I have with what you're saying is that it stems from an argument from incredulity. The Universe is so infinitely complex and beautiful that it must have been made by some higher power, and he must have had a reason for doing it.

    But the universe didn't just "happen", it didn't spring out of the nothingness fully formed and functional. The systems you've described with their mathematic symmetry and beauty have developed over billions of years, and have occurred on such a huge scale that they seem impossible to us, but this doesn't mean that they are impossible. Furthermore, the idea that science presents these systems as a cold, dead machine is entirely wrong. Our understanding of the perfection of these systems is based entirely within science, not theology; without mathematics and science, we would be unable to appreciate what you might call "god's work".

    I also disagree wit both the idea of humans as 'natural misfits' and the theological implications you draw from that assumption. Empirical evidence shows conclusively that humans, like all other beings on the planet, have been evolving over the course of millions of years. Evolutionary divergence is a fact (just look at the variety of life there is on this one planet), and to consider humans as exceptional because of our unique position in the evolutionary field is profoundly arrogant. We are just one permutation of an infinite number of genetic products.

    Basically, I think what divides theists from atheists is the idea of a motive in the universe. Theists believe that the universe and humanity exist for a reason, that there is a meaning to life beyond life itself, while atheists don't believe that we are here for some predetermined reason. And I think that religious people tend to see that as a nihilistic way to think, when in reality atheism celebrates humanity at least as much as, if not more than, Christianity.

    Anyway, just some of my thoughts.....like Eoz, I just really enjoy these kind of religious/philosophical debates....they're good for the soul :D
  4. ChimmyBear
    I too believe in God, and have a strong faith in Him. Of course, being raised the great grand daughter of a well known and respected Pastor and Evangelist has had much to do with this. For me, faith is a choice. We all, everyone, choose to believe something, even if that belief is to believe in nothing but our own existance.

    I can't imagine that I was born without a greater purpose and without any meaning to my life. I wont believe that I was born to simply live, love, and then die.

    Thank you for the courage to write this.
  5. jonathan hernandez13
    "1. Lots of Gods. Though not stated directly, it was implied that because there are a large number of gods to choose from that that somehow suggests that none of them are true. I don’t think that Jon meant to say this, but as I read his post it did seem to be accidentally implied. This type of argument if it were made, and I have heard it other places, would be a sort of middle ground fallacy and doesn’t really hold water."

    If I had said that you would be completely correct in saying that I was committing some kind of logical fallacy. However I was not implying that because there are many Gods it makes one less likely, although it would mean that both positions could not be true, because they would contradict one another.

    What I was saying is that because there are many gods, when someone asks me why I don't believe in a god, and God by extension, they should clarify which god they are talking about. As Richard Dawkins would say, most people don't believe in Thor or Zeus either, so when it comes to those gods we are all atheists. We as atheists simply choose to go one god further.

    Otherwise, Im charmed to see that you've been inspired by my blog, and if it has not already been stated, though we disagree on this matter I treasure your friendship as I treasure my friendship with all of my theist friends (they would not be my friends otherwise). And just because we have differing views I don't respect you any less, if I did I would be a total tool and a kind of bigot.:(
  6. losthawken
    Thanks for all your comment's y'all. I continue to have lots to think about, which is great! I won't get into debate here cuz that's not the point, but this has been a very good excercise for me!

    And Jon, I respect you a lot too, and glad we can be friends :)
  7. Aconite
    Figured I'd read the rest of your blog while I am drumming up a character. My profile says 'agnostic' but should more properly be described as 'atheistic agnostic.' That is to say, I have no evidence for the existence of god(s), do not believe one exists, but am not going to claim certainty thereupon.

    I'll also echo arron's note re. argument from incredulity above.

    I'm going to cherry-pick a few points to respond to; this isn't meant as a valid debate, merely as my critiques herein. I reserve the right to go back, edit, and adjust, since work takes up at least some tiny part of my brain at the moment!

    The Bible is inspired, even if it is inconsistent. -- I'm curious what 'unique history' you feel the Bible has. All other religious canons have had things subtracted from them and added to them, as the Bible has. Various religious beliefs have had varying degrees of publicity, if you will, for their writings. As far as unique content, I'd quibble with that too--if you read anything about Buddhism (suggesting as a cultural thing, not as proselytizing), you'll find that the Buddha and Jesus faced very, very similar trials and temptations. Most cultures contain a flood myth, but that does not mean the Judeo-Christian myth (I use that term in its literary sense, not as a pejorative) is necessarily the genesis (pun intended! ;)) of the whole idea. Cultures predating and coexisting with the Judaic have similar myths, as do those not in contact with the Fertile Crescent.

    The universe is amazing. -- Agreed, but I don't see why you reduce this to 'faith justifies its amazingness, but science is cold, dead, and sterile.' Science can accept beauty, can accept amazement, can accept wonder to exactly the same degree as can faith, and the quest to 'prove' that amazement exists both in theological terms and scientific terms. But that amazement does not necessarily lead me to a 'creator,' nor necessarily should it.

    Explanatory power. -- I don't need this, in my own life. Do I wonder why I'm here? Yes. I do. But does that wonderment demand I must know the answer? It doesn't. Again, Buddhism (admittedly, the Big Five religion I feel closest to) doesn't demand those answers or explanations, but it is, I'd argue, no less seeking, searching, questioning than is Christianity: It's just content that some mysteries will never be explained by human rationality. But in the absence of explanation, I don't insist on a god of the gaps.

    Thoughts? Peace. :)
  8. Mantha Hendrix
    I don't believe any religion has it right, as a result I don't practice any.

    I practice belief and faith. So many church goers I know do not go for just reasons.

    True faith is acceptance without evidence. So may people go to church thinking just going will save them.
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