The Collaboration Forum

What is the Collaboration Forum?

The Collaboration Forum is a place for members to find alpha/beta readers and to arrange to collaborate on projects. It is not a place to advertise products or services or third-party offerings.

Collaborative projects can include beta reading, critique exchanges, co writing and other writing-related projects. Most projects have a thread prefix that can be selected when a thread is created to indicate the type of collaboration request.

The collaboration forum is the result of many requests for an area to find beta readers, and other opportunities to work together that go beyond the scope of the workshop.

The collaboration forum is not a place to offer products, services, advertisements, or third-party services. Posting these types of listings may result in a warning or a ban. Payment should neither be offered or requested

I Can't Post in the Collaboration Forum. Who Can Post Collaboration Requests?

Only members who've been members for 14 days and made 20 posts may participate in the Collaboration Forum. Note: If you are asking for alpha/beta readers, you must also have fulfilled your initial Workshop requirements (at least two critiques) and you must keep your 2:1 critique ratio up to date.
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Posting Work for Critique
Jun 10, 2014
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