
Here at WF we have several different usergroups used to distinguish different members.

Admins, which includes the Owner/Founder and the Operations Manager.

Super Moderators, who are the moderators for the whole of the forum.

Supporter members, which are members who've subscribed to help WF grow and stay online.

New Members, which are members who've not yet been registered for 14 days and have less than 20 posts.

Members, the normal usergroup after you're no longer considered "new."

Active Members are members who've been here for 90 days (3 months) and made at least 100 posts.

Senior Members are community members who've been here for at least 180 days (6 months), have made at least 250 posts, and have earned at least 50 post likes.

Contributor members are prominent members of our writing community. They come with the "Contributor" user badge. The criteria to be considered a Contributor is registration for 365 days, 500 posts, and 200 post likes.

Community Volunteers are forum members who've volunteered to help in some way. This includes people who help keep the forum tidy, and volunteer contest administrators for the Monthly Short Story, Flash, and Poetry Contests.

Banned members are, of course, banned; the strikethrough demonstrates this.

ItzAmber, NK_UT, ZoomerWriter and 3 others like this.
New Member?
Nov 10, 2013
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